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I was eating lunch with Min Ji in the cafeteria.

"So, who would've thought. The first werewolves to transfer to our school just so happens to be in our class." Min Ji says groaning.

"Maybe it's not such a bad thing."

Her head shot up, "What do you mean maybe it's not such a bad thing? Of course it is. They're vicious creatures that would probably kill us without hesitation."

"Let them hear you call them vicious creatures, and they might just kill you."

She immediately closed her mouth and pursed her lips together.

I just chuckled and turned around when everyone went quiet. There they were.

The werewolves walked into the cafeteria and sat down at an empty table. If we didn't know they were werewolves, I'd guess that they were just ordinary human students. But, everyone is afraid of them. That's why they're suddenly quiet.

I kinda get it. I'm scared too.

I looked away and continued eating my lunch when I heard Jackson say something I have a feeling he's going to regret.

"Well well well. If it isn't the freaks." he said to them.

"What are you guys here for huh? To put on a freak show? Cause none of us are interested. So why don't you guys just leave and crawl back into whatever hole you came from."

To my surprise, they didn't retaliate nor try to fight or anything.

"Oh. You guys don't even have the guts to stand up to me. Because you know I'm right. You guys are freaks who deserve to die."

I could see them all clench their fists.

"You're monsters." he spat.

Suddenly, Jungkook got up and punched his fist into the table causing everyone to flinch. Surprisingly, Jackson remained smirking. He didn't seem scared at all. I wonder why.

He was about to sat something when, "Jungkook. That's enough."

Jungkook looked at the guy
Suga was it?

"He's not worth it."

They all got up and walked out of the cafeteria.

I kinda felt sorry for them. Yes. They're werewolves, but what if they just really want to fit in? What if the reason why they didn't say anything back was because they didn't want to cause trouble?

I was walking home when I saw them walking out of the school. I wonder where they live. They couldn't live here with us humans.

I walked into my house, and my father wasn't home. No surprise there.

I did my daily after school routine. It was dinnertime and he still wasn't back. I decided to skip dinner and just go to bed early.

I lied in bed again stared at the stars through my window.

"매우 예쁘다 (So pretty)."

As I was finally falling asleep, I was startled when I heard sudden knocking on my room window.

I immediately sat up and sighed of relief when I saw that it was just Min Ji.

I opened the window and she climbed in.

"Geez Min Ji. You scared me. Did you climb all the way up here?" I asked her looking down.

"Yeah. I was afraid that your dad was home. I didn't want to get you into trouble."

"Why are you here at this hour anyway?"

She suddenly put on a flashlight, "Come on. We're going investigating."

I followed Min Ji out of my house. I was confused as to where we were going. I stopped when I saw the woods. Min Ji noticed my hault and looked at me.

"Something wrong?"

I looked at her, "What are we doing here? Why are we going into the woods? Do you know how dangerous it is at night in there? It's so dark. We could get lost."

She chuckled, "Come on. It's worth it. Just trust me."

"I'll trust you when you tell me what we're doing here."

She signed in defeat, "Fine. A little birdie told me that a certain wolf pack lives in the woods, so I wanna check it out."

"Why? You've never been interested in them. Why the sudden need to know where they live?"

"Because werewolves transferred to our school duh."

"Oh. I get it. You think that the transfer students might be a part of the pack that lives here."

"Exactly. Aren't you interested now? Plus. I've always wondered what it is they do. Do they live like us or do they hunt for food all the time? Do they fight other packs and train? Ooh. I bet they have the most delicious abs."

"Okay. Slow down. Let's go check it out. But let's not stay too long. My dad might be home soon."

She nodded and I followed her into the woods.

"Why's your dad not home yet anyway?"

"How should I know? He never tells me anything."

"But it's already midnight. Usually, I'd say they're partying or clubbing somewhere, but, a guy over 40,I doubt it. But hey, what if he's hooking up with someone?"

"Then I feel sorry for that girl."

"But he's your dad."

"Who doesn't give a damn about me. I bet if I get kidnapped , he would never even notice I was missing."

"Well don't get kidnapped. I wouldn't survive without you. My best friend."

We laughed.

We immediately shut up when we heard noises. I looked around saw something move in the dark. It was incredibly fast. It definitely wasn't human.

"Could we be close?" Min Ji asked.

"Min Ji. I think we should go now. It really isn't safe here."

"But we're so close. I can feel it in my bones." she said and suddenly started running.

"Min Ji!" I yelled and tried running after her but tripped over a rock.


I looked at my leg and noticed that I scraped my knee. I tried getting up but failed and fell straight on my butt.


I sighed.

"And now Min Ji is gone too. What am I going to do?"

I looked around but there was nothing there.

"Geez. I knew coming here was a bad idea."

I took out my phone and typed Min Ji's number.

"Saeron?! Where are you? I lost you!"

"Min Ji -"

"Who are you and what are you doing here?"

I was cut off when I heard a guy speak. I looked up but couldn't see his face due to the darkness.

"Saeron? Saeron? Are you still there?" I heard Min Ji ask on the other side of the phone line.

I dropped the phone to the ground again stared at the dark figure in front of me.

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