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I was at home. I was worried about Saeron. She didn't look okay at school. Ever since the first period. It makes me wonder, did something happen to her after she left.

But, the thing really bothering me is that, she looked sick. She was sweating and complained about being dizzy and lightheaded. I wanted to take her to the nurse, but she refused.

That makes me think, was there more to it? Something she wanted to hide?

Ugh! This is killing me. I'm going to her right now. I don't even care about her father being there.

I left my house and walked to Saeron's.

I knocked on the door, but no one answered.

That's weird. I knocked again, but no one answered again.

For a second I thought her dad was home and that's why she's not opening, but when I listened, there was no noises.

Just pure silence.

Scaring silence.

I turned the doorknob and to my surprise, it opened. The door wasn't locked.

I opened the door and walked in.

"Saeron? You here?!"

My eyes widened with shock at the scene before me.

Saeron was lying lifeless on the floor in a pool of her own blood.

I ran to her and shook her.

"Saeron?! Can you hear me? Saeron! Oh my god. That bastard did this to you didn't he?" I could feel my blood boil.

I listened for a pulse. It was there, but barely.

She was barely alive. That's when I noticed something on her neck.

"Is that...a bite mark?!"

Oh my god! Who bit her? It couldn't have been her father. He's human. I bet it was one of those filthy transfer students.

But why? Why would they do this to her? What did she do to them? She's never even spoken to either of them.


I took out my phone and called the hospital.

"Yes? Anneonghaseyo. I need an ambulance. To *random address*. Yes. Please hurry. My friend is barely alive." I hung up and held her hand.

"Please. Saeron. Just hold on. They're coming. Don't die on me." I said crying.

Her hand was bloody but I didn't care. I needed my best friend to be okay.

Soon, the ambulance arrived and rushed her to the hospital.

I noticed how they looked at the bite mark on her neck but didn't say anything.

I waited in the waiting room for news. It's been 2 hours since they took her into the operating room but still no news.

Finally, a nurse walked to me.

"You're here for Lee Saeron right?"

"Yes. Is she okay?"

"The operation was a success. She lost a lot of blood and needed a blood transfusion, but luckily we had the right blood type in storage. She was beaten up pretty bad. Do you gave any idea who could've caused this?"

I wanted to tell her that it was her father, but it wasn't my place.

I shook my head.

"Alright. Then I'm sure you have no idea how she got that bite too?"

My body tensed, "I...I don't know."

She gave me a small smile, "You can go see her now."

"Oh! Thank you." I bowed before running to Saeron's room.

My heart broke at her.

She was connected to a whole lot of pipes and looked so fragile. I noticed that there was a patch covering the bite mark.

I stayed for an hour and decided to get some coffee.

I walked out of the room and heard two doctors talking.

"Did you see that bite mark?"

Bite mark? They're talking about Saeron? I hid around the corner and listened in on their conversation.

"Yes. A werewolf caused it. I'm not really sure what it's goal was by doing that, but I do know that she won't make it through the night."

My eyes widened.

"Yes. Humans don't survive the night with a bite like that. We'll just have to inform her family tomorrow morning about her death."

I clenched my fists. They know she's not going to make it and yet...

I walked back to Saeron's room and my heart dropped.

Her room was empty.

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