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It was that time of the year. The time where everyone would shower Jungkook with gifts and kisses and he would just get so annoyed.

It was finally here. The day Jungkook would turn one year older. But this one would be different from all the others. He was turning eighteen and this was the age where wolves would meet their mate.

He was finally going to find and meet his mate after waiting all his life. He was finally going to meet the one he was destined to be with since childbirth.

It's all he ever waited for. It's all he ever wanted. He always anticipated his eighteenth birthday. Who his mate would be. What she would be like.

It's all new ever waited for. He's wanted this all his life. But these past few months, he's been dreading this day.

Because of one reason. Lee Saeron.

He never thought he'd ever meet someone like her. Someone who could make him feel the way she does but he did. There's just one thing. She's not his mate.

And today, he would meet his real mate. But he didn't want it anymore. He was in love with Saeron and couldn't imagine ever hurting her. Not after everything they have been through together.

Not after everything they shared. He loved her with all his heart and he wasn't planning on letting her go. Now he just prayed and hoped that his mate would not show up tonight.


I lied in my bed with Saeron lying next to me. Her head rested on my chest while I embraced her in my arms, not wanting to let go.

Today was my birthday. I am going to find my mate today. But I don't want to. Not if it means I have to give Saeron up.

I just realised how much I love her and I can't lose her. Not now. Not ever.

The room door opened and Jimin walked in. I motioned him to be quiet as to not wake Saeron up.

"Happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you Kookie." he whisper sang, tiptoeing towards the bed.

"Thanks hyung."

"You have to come downstairs. Jin hyung is preparing a real breakfast feast for your birthday."

"I'll be right down."

"Kookie, you're going to meet your -"

"Don't even mention that right now." I cut him off.

"But Kookie...You can't avoid it anymore. You're going to meet her today. You're destined to. What are you going to tell Saeron?"

I looked at Saeron's sleeping face and my gaze softened.

"I don't know. I can't lose her hyung. I love her." I admitted to him.

He looked at me sadly.

"I know but this will hurt her. So, if you love her, you'll have to let her go."

I shut out his words because they hurt too much. They hurt, because they were true.

Jimin walked out, leaving me alone with Saeron. She was sleeping so peacefully. Like a baby. These past few months with her.

When I first met her, I thought she was going to be a pain in the ass. That she would make my life miserable. But boy was I wrong. She changed me.

I'm no longer cold like I used to be. She changed me. When she came into my life, she brought light. My life didn't seem that meaningless anymore.

She became my reason for living. For waking up every morning. She gave me the strength to do anything. She makes me strong. I feel like I can do anything if it means that I can keep on being with her. Keep on kissing her. Keep on touching her. Keep on being with her.

I would do anything just to have her in my arms, till the end of time. I don't want to let her go. It might be selfish, but I don't think I can live without her.

She stirred in my arms and soon her eyes opened. Her face broke into a wide smile.

"Good morning Kookie." she greeted.

"Morning baby." I greeted back.

She sat up, still in my arms.

"Happy birthday." she said and grabbed something out of the drawer in my bedside table.

It was a little black box.

"I had this made. It's not much but I hope you like it." she said handing it to me with a blushing face.

She was too adorable for her own good. I opened the box revealing a necklace. It had half of a heart charm on it.

"I have the other half. It shows that we make each other whole." she said holding up an identical necklace that was hanging around her neck.

"Do you like it?" she asked fiddling with her necklace nervously.

"I love it." I said and pressed a chaste kiss to her forehead.

"I'm glad."

I put on the necklace.

"My life isn't complete without you. You make me complete my love." I whispered, looking at her sincerely.

She smiled and I kissed her softly. It hurt. Kissing her hurt. It felt like our time together was now limited. And I didn't want it to be. I didn't even realize that tears started streaming down my face.

She pulled away and looked at her worriedly, wiping away my tears.

"Why are you crying my love?"

"I love you so much Saeron." I said embracing her, burying my face in her hair inhaling her heavenly scent.

"I love you too but what is wrong Jungkook? You're scaring me."

"Just stay with me. Please. Just let me hold you right now. Please my love." I begged, hugging her tightly.

"Okay." she said and hugged me back.

I couldn't help it. I never cried. Never. But I couldn't stop my crying now. I loved her so much. I can't let her go.

I refuse to let her go.

But I might have to.


I did a Jungkook point of view so that you guys can see how he is feeling about everything. The next chapter will be Saeron's point of view as usual.

Spoiler:It's Jungkook's birthday party and his mate shows up.

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