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I froze as I heard Jackson's voice.

What was he doing here? How does he even know where I live?

"Yah! Who the hell are you?!" I heard my father yell.

"I'm a friend of your daughter's. Who are you?"

"I'm her father. Now you can leave. As you can see, we're in the middle of something."

"Fine. But why doesn't she want to see you? Why is she afraid of you and hiding in her room from you?" Jackson asked.

Flip. He can probably sense my fear since he's a werewolf.

"This has nothing to do with you boy. Now leave!" my father snapped causing me to flinch.

"You see, I don't think I'm going anywhere. Why is she scared out of her mind of you? Her own father!"

"Shut up!"

My eyes widened as I suddenly heard what sounded like a struggle.

I started crying again bit stopped when I heard his voice, "Saeron. It's me. Jackson. Open up."

I don't know why but I opened the door and ran into his arms. And it was weird. Even after everything he did to me, for some reason, I felt safe in his arms.

I sobbed into his chest while he drew circles on my back in a soothing way.

I completely forgot about the fact that Min Ji was still there. All I did was cry into his chest letting myself feel safe.

Min Ji left after that and I was left with Jackson, alone. Well, my father too, but he was lying knocked out on the floor. Turns out Jackson hit him so hard, he fell unconscious.

We were sitting on the couch and I was fiddling with my fingers.

"Saeron, tell me, what was that just now?" he asked breaking the uncomfortable silence.

"I...I can't tell you."

"Oh come on. I helped you. Don't you think you owe me an explanation?"

"I'm sorry. Why were you here anyway? How do you know where I live? Oh my god. Have you been stalking me?"

"No. I haven't. I asked the office for your address so that I could come here and personally apologise for what I did to you."

My eyes widened in shock. Was I hearing right?

"I'm really sorry Saeron. For everything. What I did to you, was wrong. I just, I liked you so much and didn't want other guys to have you that I got aggressive and obsessive. I know a simple sorry can't make up for what you've gone through because of me, but I truly hope you can find it on your heart to forgive me. "he said sincerely.

I realized that he was being honest. He wasn't lying.

I softened as I heard his apology," I forgive you. "

He looked at me in shock,"Really? I mean, I hurt you so much. I'm happy that you forgive me but I didn't think that it would be this easy."

"It's not. And I'll always remember what you did to me and put me through, but I can tell that you're really sorry. I'd feel guilty if I didn't forgive you. In honesty, I just want to forget about everything that happened and move on."

"I'm glad. I know we've just made up but, can I ask you something?" he asked nervously.

I nodded.

"Do you like Jungkook?"

I gulped.

"I...Uh..."I trailed.

"It's fine! You don't need to answer that. I was just wondering."

"The truth is Jackson, I'm not really sure about my feelings yet. I know I'm attracted to him in some way, but I don't know whether it's because I truly like him or because of the bite."

"It's because of the bite." he mumbled angrily.


"It's obvious isn't it? You were never interested in him before he bit you. It's obvious that you wouldn't be feeling this way about him if it wasn't for the bite."

The truth is, I lied. I knew that I liked Jungkook. I confirmed it already. But, what Jackson said made me wonder. Jungkook's father said it too. The bite would make me feel like I'm in love with him.

But, would I still like him if it wasn't for the bite?

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