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I was walking home from school when I heard someone call my name from behind. I turned and saw Jungkook running towards me.

"Where are you going?"

"Home." I said as if stating the obvious.

"Geez. What's with that attitude?"

"I dunno. Maybe because a certain someone promised to get me after lunch but never showed." I said folding my arms.

"Oh come on. Don't tell me you're mad about that. I forgot okay?"

I turned so that my back was now facing him, "I'm going home."

I started walking when I heard him sigh.

"Well, fine. Just don't expect me to come and save you if Jackson and his cronies come for you."

This caused me to stop and turn back to Jungkook.

"What? But I thought you said he wouldn't come for me."

"That's if we win. But I might just lose to them on purpose so that I don't have to stare at your face all day."

My eyes widened.

I admit that I felt a slight pang in my heart hearing him say that.

"Fine. Don't care for me. Don't win for me. Why did you even agree to fight them in the first place if you didn't want to save me? Why not just leave me to their mercy?" I yelled completely frustrated.

He didn't answer.

"Fine. Don't tell me. I'll be leaving now." I safe before walking away.

I could hear him sigh but wasn't expecting him to do the following.

"Come on." he said picking me up and carrying me bridal style.

"What...what are you doing?" I asked not worrying about the fact that he can probably hear my fast beating heart.

"Taking you back with me."


"I'll explain at the house."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and buried my face in his neck to avoid the weird stares that we were getting from passerbys.

We soon arrived at the Bangtan pack house and stopped Jungkook by the door.

" can put me down now." I mumbled against his neck.


"Just do it!"

He sighed before putting me and going into the house with me following him like a lost puppy.

I noticed how everyone was looking at me as soon as I walked in.

Their faces were not familiar. I didn't see any of them when I was here last time.

I guess there are a lot more of them than just the seven guys.

Jungkook grabbed my hand, "Come on. They're waiting inside."

He dragged me with him.

I noticed how everyone looked shocked and surprised.

I however had no idea why.

We walked into another room. I saw Jin, Namjoon and the rest of them sitting there.

"What going on?"

"Unfortunately, it's not safe for you out there tonight Saeron."

I looked at them in confusion.

NOT MATED || JEON JUNGKOOK Where stories live. Discover now