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I woke up and felt my head hurting. I cried too much last night and it caused a headache.

I got ready for school again was surprised when I saw Min Ji waiting outside my house for me.

"Min Ji? What are you doing here?"

"Good morning to you too Saeron. I'm doing good. How about you?"

I chuckled, "I'm sorry."

"I know I could get into trouble because of your dad, but I just wanted to make sure that you were okay."

We started walking, "I'm fine. Really. He didn't hit me last night. He just threw me onto the ground. I think it's because I was already hurt."

"Oh. Well, I'm glad you're okay. Plus, I never told you what I found last night after I lost you."

I looked at her in confusion, "What?"

"A house. Well, more accurately, a mansion. I think that's where the pack lives. But, I was too afraid to do anything else. I was afraid they would kill me or something."

"Wow. I can't believe you actually found them. But, how do you know that they live there? It could've just been a completely normal family living there."

"I guess, but still."

I smiled.

"By the way, were you alone last night? I thought I saw a shadow that moved really fast."

I wanted to tell her about Jungkook, but I was too afraid of what would happen if I did.

"Nope. It was just your imagination. I was alone which is why I was so scared."

"Oh. I'm really sorry I just left you there. I got excited and had no idea you weren't behind me anymore."

"Look. We spoke about this last night. It's fine. We're both okay and that's all that matters."

We hugged and before we knew it, we were at the school already.

We walked to our class and sat down. Jungkook and his friends were already there. I felt weird about last night so I just ignored their presence. I would sometimes get tempted to turn around and look at him and examine his godly features but luckily I could stop myself.

Yeah. I just admitted it. I think he's handsome. He's hot and I could stare at him all day. Not that I would.

"Saeron. Someone's watching you."Min Ji told me.

I looked around including behind me and as soon as I looked at Jungkook, I realized that he was looking at me too.

I immediately turned around feeling flustered. He probably remembers me from last night as that's why he's staring at me.

Oh geez Saeron!

I buried my face in my book and groaned loudly, catching the attention of the entire class.

Well, that just made me feel so much more embarrassed.

"Saeron? Are you okay? What's wrong?" Min Ji asked me looking concerned.

"I'm fine." I said sitting back up.

As soon as the bell rang, I ran out of the class. I stopped where no one was around and took a breather.

Phew. I got away. I couldn't face him.

"Well, if it isn't Saeron."

I looked up and saw Jackson standing there, smirking.

"What do you want Jackson?"

"Attitude much?"

"Please just leave me alone." I said walking away but flinched when he suddenly grabbed my wrist harshly and slammed me against the lockers.

My eyes widened.

"What...what are you doing?"

He just smirked, "What does it look like I'm doing?"

"I'm not sure. But, please let me go. You're really hurting me."

"Am I?" he asked gripping onto my wrist harder.

I winced in pain.

"You know. I've always watched you. From the sidelines. Ever since you came here. The cute new student. But, I figured, I'd wait to approach you."

"And now you do this?"

"The truth is, I like you." he said whispering the last last into my ear.

"Well, I like you, but I love your body."

I swear my face is on fire right now.

He brought his hands to my waist and then down to my butt.

"No. Please don't." I said grabbing his hand from touching my butt.

He looked at me with pure fury in his eyes.

"You don't tell me what to do." he told me.

I wanted to resist further but got extremely scared when his eyes turned a golden yellow.

"Oh...oh my god. You're a...werewolf?!"

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