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I got ready for school the next day and made my way there. As soon as I entered the school I heard my name being called.

I turned around and saw Jackson waving at me. He gestured me to come to him. I was hesitant since he was with his friends but walked to him anyway.

"Hi Jackson." I greeted shyly.

Geez! Why was I feeling shy around him all of a sudden?

"Hey. These are my friends."

"Hi." they greeted in unison.

"We'd also like to apologize for everything. Even though Jackson was the one who physically hurt you, we played a part in it too. We made it possible for him to do those things to you. We watched you and let him know when you were alone. We're so sorry."

"It's okay. I'm just glad I can finally out this behind me and move on."

Their eyes lit up at my answer.

Jackson hooked our arms together, "Let's go to class?"

I nodded.

We got a whole lot of stares from students as we passed. Of course. I was with Jackson and our arms were hooked together. And to top that, the gossip about me and Jungkook hasn't died down yet.

I entered the class with Jackson and caught the attention of the few students there.

I sat down and he sat down next to me.

"Jackson, this isn't your seat."

"I know, but class doesn't start until at least five minutes from now so we have time to chat."he said smiling.

I returned a weak smile.

"Are you uncomfortable around me?" he suddenly asked.

"No. It's just that...this will take time to get used to. I'm used to hating you and you  being cold to me. Not being nice and friendly. I just need to get used to it. That's all."

"Okay then. I'll wait."

"Geez. You make it sound like you're waiting for me to answer your confession or something." I said giggling.

"Well who knows. If you figure out that you only like Jungkook because of the bite, it means I still have a chance to win your heart."

I wasn't sure how to answer that.

He just admitted that he likes me and that he hopes that my feelings for Jungkook are fake so that we can be together.

I was broken out of my thoughts when the door opened and Jungkook walked in along with his friends.

I heard Jackson scowl beside me, "There they are."

"Hey!" I scolded.

"What? Just because I apologized to you, doesn't mean I have to like them too. I hate them."

"Do you hate them because one of them nearly killed you while you were powerless?"

"Hey. Don't push it." he warned causing me to immediately shut up.

I was startled when a hand punched into my desk causing a crack. I looked up to see Jungkook standing there, fuming.

"What's going on here?" he asked with a angry voice.

"What does it look like to you? We're talking cause that's what friends do." Jackson answered before I could.

"Friends huh? Have you forgotten what he's done to you?"

"No. I haven't. But he apologized."

"Oh. And an apology makes everything better huh? What are you? Stupid?" he scowled at me.

I started feeling a little scared since I've never seen this side of Jungkook before. At least he's not been this way to me before.

"Dude, you're scaring her." Jackson pointed out.

"Shut up. I'm not talking to you." Jungkook warned.

"Oh really? Well she's my friend so I'd like it if you didn't upset her." Jackson said standing up.

"Oh really? Your friend huh? I didn't know you hurt your friends or those who you care about." Jungkook struck back.

"Jungkook -"

"It's okay Jackson. I can take care of myself." I said standing up too.

"Jungkook, I know what he's done. In fact, I know it better than anyone else since I bare the consequences of it. It's my life. I get to decide how to live it and who to live it with. Not you. You don't have any say in my life okay? You're just another guy that I spent time with. I am grateful that you saved me but that doesn't give you some kind of control over me. So back off and let me live my life. "I snapped.

Jackson looked at me with shock while Jungkook looked at me with, hurt?

"Fine. Let this bastard back into your life. Just don't come crying to me when all this blows up in your face." he spat before walking away.

I immediately felt guilty because of what I said. He's done so much for me and this is how I repay him? I looked down and Jackson noticed my sad face and immediately pulled me into his embrace.

"It's okay. Don't care about him or what he says. I'm not going to hurt you again. I promise."

"Thanks Jackson."

If only I knew he had his fingers crossed behind his back while saying that.

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