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It was nighttime already. Jin brought me dinner and now I'm just lying in the bed staring at the ceiling. I can't help but worry about them.

Are they okay? What if they get seriously injured? What if...they lose?

I shook off all the negative thoughts.

I had to think positively. I had to believe in them and their abilities.


We were standing at the meeting place. Waiting.

How dare they make us wait for them?

Finally, a group of wolves appeared. With Jackson in the middle of them all. Looking all smug.

Oh. I can't wait to wipe that smirk off his ugly face.

"Well well. If it isn't the Bangtan pack. I hope you guys are ready for one hell of a fight. Cause we're definitely not going to lose."

"Really? Because we're not going to lose either." Namjoon said.

"So, where's the prize?" Jackson asked smirking.

"She's somewhere safe."

"But how is this fair? Why do you guys get to keep her now?"

"Because who knows what you might do to her if she were with you. At least she's safe with us."

"Well, not for much longer. Because as soon as we win, we're coming for her. She'll finally be mine."

"Ever heard of the saying never count your chickens before they hatch?"

"Seriously? Why would you use a human quote at a time like this?"

"Let's just get to it. I wanna go home and sleep." Suga complained.

"Someone is confident."

"Of course. There is no way that Bangtan would ever lose."

"We'll see about that." Jackson said before signalling his wolves to attack.

One of them grabbed onto Suga's neck. Wow. I almost feel sorry for that wolf.

"Hey! Where are you looking? I'm your opponent." Jackson said to me.

"Oh me?" I asked innocently but was smirking inside.

I could notice that he was getting annoyed. The perfect reaction.

"There's no one to save you now. No one to fight your battles for you. They all have their own battles to fight right now."

I looked at my pack members. The other wolves were strong but we were easily overpowering them. That's it. I can't afford to lose here. Not that I would in a thousand years.

"Then how about we get this party started?"

Jackson ran to me coming in with a punch which I just dodged.

"Seriously? That's all you got? You're so slow."

He growled at me.

He remained still for a while. I was confused at first until I saw a black must appearing around him. He was shifting.

Werewolves were powerful in their human forms but it was amplified when they go into wolf form. He clearly knew that he would be more powerful this way.

"What's wrong? You're not going to transform?" he asked in his wolf voice.

"I don't need to transform to win."

He jumped on me causing me to fall onto the ground.

He tried to bite me but I stopped him by digging my claws into his flesh. He cried out in pain. I grabbed his body and threw across the woods causing him to hit a tree hard. He was whimpering. He stood back up and came at me with all his power but I deflected all his attacks. I dug my claws into his flesh again scratching him all over. I was clawing in and out of his flesh causing him to cry out in pain and his blood to splatter all over my clothes and even on my face.

I felt like I lost all my control. I couldn't hear anything around me anymore. All I could think about was tearing his body to pieces and making him suffer. I continued attacking him causing his blood to flow out of him like a river. He soon returned to his human form and his body was wrecked.

There were claw wounds all over his body. It seemed like he was on his last breath. Like he was struggling to hold onto life.

But I couldn't stop. I was sure that I had lost all of my self control.

"Jungkook! Jungkook stop!" I could hear my friends yell.

It was faint. Barely audible. Everything became quiet and I felt like I was falling asleep.

The last thing I saw was black mist around me before blacking out.

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