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They were all standing there just staring at each other with pure rage.

I recognised the werewolves that just walked in. They're Jackson's friends.

Which made me realize. They were all werewolves this entire time?!

"Well, this place is clearly too small." Suga said stating the obvious.

"Well then, how about a deal? We meet tonight and fight. The winners get..."

He pointed at me, "Her."

I became nervous as I felt all their gazes on me. I know I probably look terrible right now.

Tear stained face. Bruised wrists. And messy hair from Jackson pulling at it repeatedly.

"Fine. Tonight. The woods. " Jungkook said.

I noticed Jungkook's pack members looking at Jungkook with wide and warning eyes.

"Jungkook -"

"We can do it hyung." Jungkook cut him off.

They sighed in defeat, "Fine. It's a deal."

The other werewolves smiled , "We can't wait."

They walked out leaving me alone with Bangtan.

My lips trembled as I felt tears threatening to come out.

"I'm sorry." I mumbled into my knees.

"Guys. Can you leave us alone for a sec?"I heard Jungkook ask.

I heard them all leave.

"Saeron." he called.

I didn't dare look up at him. I felt too guilty for what they have to do so that I don't get taken.

"Saeron." he said with a demanding voice.

I looked up at him with tears in my eyes.

I saw his gaze soften at my state. He bent down on his knees and looked me in my eyes.

"Don't cry."he said softly.

I looked down," How can I not? I feel so guilty. "


"This is all my fault. If I hadn't gone to look for you guys to help me. To save me from Jackson's bite, you guys wouldn't be in this situation right now. I should've just accepted my fate and died. Everyone. You guys would've been better off. And now I'm still doing it. I'm dragging you guys into my situation. Expecting you guys to save me. I'm sick of it. I'm sick of causing people trouble and always needing to be saved. "I said sobbing into my knees.

I heard him sigh.

He lifted my chin with his finger and looked me straight in my eyes.

"Don't cry. Don't feel guilty. None of this is your fault."

"How can it not be? All of this is happening because Jackson wants me."

"That may be so. But, nothing is going to happen. We're going to beat Jackson and his cronies and you'll be left alone."

"What if you guys lose? What if -"

I was cut off by a pair of lips attaching themselves to mine. My eyes widened.

Jungkook was kissing me. It was short but sweet.

"We're not going to lose. I promise."

I gulped, "Why did you -"

"Let's just go. We can't stay in here all day." he said standing up and cutting me off.

He gave me his hand, "Come on."

I took his hand and followed him out of the bathroom.

I didn't even realize that classes was over and that it was lunchtime. All the students around were staring at us. Me, again.

First I was classified missing and then just magically reappeared three days and now I'm walking through the school hallways with a werewolf.

My high school reputation here is already ruined. I guess nothing else can happen to worsen it.

I felt anxious and tugged at Jungkook's shirt from the back.

He noticed this and turned to me.


"Everyone's staring." I mumbled.

"Don't be scared."

"I'm not scared." I mumbled pouting.

He rolled his eyes, "Well then. How about we get away from public eyes."

I gave him a confused look and was startled when he suddenly grabbed my hand and dragged me out.

He took me to the back of the school.

"Stay here. No one will find you."

"But what about -"

"Jackson? He won't touch you. We made a deal. He can't lay a hand on you until the fight. Unless he wins. Which he won't."

"I guess." I said looking down.

"Alright then. I'll be going."

My head shot up and I grabbed his arm instinctively.


"Are you going to leave me here?"

"Don't be clingy Saeron. I'll be back after lunch." he said before walking away.

I sighed in defeat and sat down against the brick wall.


I looked up and saw Min Ji.

"Min Ji?"

"Finally. I found you! I've been looking everywhere for you. Ever since you ran out of class. Are you okay?" she asked sitting down next to me.

"I'm fine."

"Okay. But what's this I'm hearing about you walking around with Jeon Jungkook?"

My head shot up.

"What are you doing with Jungkook Saeron? I thought you were gonna go avoid him but now you're walking around with him? Did you hear what everyone is saying? Saeron, Jungkook is a werewolf. Everyone in the school knows that. Being seen with him -"

"I know. But, things happened and..."

"What things?"

"I can't really explain it right now, but I have to be with them. They saved me."

Min Ji nodded, "Alright. I'll take your word for it. But, just promise me you'll be okay."

I nodded.

"And promise to tell me everything when it's over, okay?"

I smiled, "I will."

We hugged.


I was watching Saeron from the shadows.

"Don't worry Saeron. It'll all be over soon. And I'll make you mine."

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