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"She's badly beaten up." one guy said.

"Guys. Did you see the mark? The werewolf tried to claim her as his. But is he stupid? Humans can't survive the bite!" another guy yelled.

"Jungkook,you have to do it. Only you can save her now."

I tried opening my eyes but I was too weak and failed.

Suddenly, I felt fangs bite into the flesh. Another werewolf was biting me. Over Jackson's mark.

What's happening?

This bite doesn't hurt as much as Jackson's did. Instead, it feels kind of relieving. I could feel all the pain from Jackson's bite fade away. Suddenly, the the pain from the bite was gone and it was replaced with pleasure.

I moaned in the pleasure completely giving into it, not resisting.

"Jungkook, that's enough."

I felt the fangs remove themselves from my flesh and my body sank down into the table. Everything went silent. I could no longer hear anything. And then once again, I felt myself drifting away. But, this time, it didn't feel like it was forever.

~3 days later~

I opened my eyes and felt the sun's rays hit me. I stretched out my arms looked around.

I realised that I wasn't in my room. Nor the hospital room. I rolled onto my side and buried my face in the pillow.

I inhaled the scent of the pillow.

Mmm. Smells nice. Smells like him.

Wait. Him. Who?

The door suddenly went open and I saw a strange man walk in.

My body tensed as I still didn't know where I was.

He looked at me surprised but then gave me a small smile.

"You're awake." he said.

"Who are you? Where am I?" I asked backing up in the bed as he walked closer to me.

"You don't have to be afraid. I'm not going to hurt you. My name is Jin." he said smiling.

"Okay. So you're not going to hurt me. But, where am I?" I asked covering myself with the covers as I realised that I was no longer in the hospital gown.

I was in other clothes and realized that they must've undressed me. I felt my cheeks heat up.

"You're at Bangtan."

I looked at him in confusion, "Bangtan? What? What kind of place is this?"

"A  pack."

I gulped, "As in a werewolf pack?"

He nodded, "Exactly. The Bangtan Pack."

" did I get here?"

"Namjoon, one of our alphas found you in the woods."

I put my finger under my chin, "I do remember seeing a brown wolf with red eyes before passing out."

He chuckled, "Yes. That was Namjoon. Alphas have red eyes. Betas have golden yellow eyes and omegas have blue eyes."

My mouth hung open.

"I'm sorry. I know that this must be a little much for you. It's just, you were basically dead when he found you but he brought you here because he noticed the mark on your neck. We could all tell that you were human and that you wouldn't survive the bite. So, we saved you. "


"That's not really important right now. What matters is that you're finally awake after three whole days."

My eyes widened, "Three days?"

"Yep. You were asleep first three days. We were kinda starting to doubt whether you were actually going to wake up. But luckily you did."

"Is the transfer students from this pack?"

"Yes. You really pay attention don't you? How'd you know?"

"My best friend... My best friend! She must be worried sick about me! Do you have a phone? Screw that. Where's mine? I have to call her." I asked looking through the sheets if it was there. "

"It's not -" he was cut off by the door opening and a guy walking in.

I didn't bother to look up and continued looking for my phone.

I stopped when I got a whiff of something. A heavenly smell. I looked up and saw Jungkook standing there and that's when I realised, it came from him.

I don't know why but my body moved on its own. I jumped off the bed and ran to him. I wrapped my arms around him and buried my face on his chest inhaling his sweet scent.

"Well, I guess I should get used to this from now." Jungkook said.

I heard Jin chuckle.

"I'll leave you two alone and explain the rest later." he said and I heard him leave closing the door behind him.

"Hey. Come on." he said and dragged me back to the bed.

He sat me down opposite him on the bed and looked into my eyes.

"Is something the matter?" I asked innocently.

"Who bit you?"

"Bit me? What are you talking about?"

"The bite on your neck."

I looked at my neck and saw a mark.

"This one?"

"No. The one before that one. That's my bite but who tried to mark you with his bite before?"

"Oh. You bit me here? No wonder it smells like you." I said burying my head in the crook of his neck.

I felt his body tense up but he did nothing to stop me.

"I'm being serious Saeron. Who gave you that?"

"Oh. It was Jackson."

"Jackson? The guy that confronted us at the cafeteria on the first day? That guy?"

I hummed.

"But how? He hates werewolves. He made that clear when he called us monsters."

"Yeah. He was actually born as a werewolf, and hates himself for it. He even rejected his mate when he turned 18."


"Yeah. He says he wanted to mark me so that I would be his."

"Why? If he had a mate, why would he want to mark you. A human."

"He said that he noticed me from the day I started school there at Seoul High and that he kept an eye on me. He said that he likes me and wanted to do things to my body."

I felt myself get yanked forward by my shoulders.

"What? What did he want to do to your body?"

"He wanted me. He said that he loves my body." I said playing with one of the buttons of Jungkook's shirt.

He sighed, "And he called us monsters. But look what he does."

"I know but he said if I survived the bite, I would be his."

"Well, it's my bite on your neck now. Not his."

I smiled. I don't know why but I feel all giddy and happy inside when he's here all of a sudden. And he smells so good. I never noticed this before.

Or, is there a specific reason why I'm feeling this way now?

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