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I walked down the stairs of the big house. Min Ji was right. This place is a mansion.

I stopped at the end of the stairs and heard voices. Males were talking.

I stood against the railing of the staircase and and listened in on their conversation.

"She woke up." one guy said.

I recognised his voice. It was Jin.

"And? How is she? Is she showing any signs so far?"

"Not really. But she seems to want to be very close to Jungkook. When he walked into the room, it was like she forgot about my presence and ran up to him and hugged him."

"Hmmmmm. I see. So we were right. It's like a mating bond, except they're not mated."

"What are you doing?" I was started by the sudden deep voice.

I turned around and saw a familiar guy. He's one of the transfer students. I think he called himself V? "


"It's okay. I get that you're probably scared right now but we're not going to hurt you. We wouldn't have saved you if we wanted to."

"Who...who are you?"

"Oh me? I introduced myself as V but my real name is Taehyung. I just like to be called V." he explained.

I looked down and started drawing circles on my arm with my fingers.

"Are you okay?"

"I'm...I'm scared." I mumbled looking down.

He lifted my chin with his finger, "It's okay. Like I said. I get it. But hopefully after you get to know all of us, you won't be afraid anymore."

I nodded giving him a small smile.

Maybe they're not so bad after all.

I sat down on the couch in the living room while clutching my stomach with my hands. The wounds my father inflicted on me still hurt.

My eyes widened at what I saw on the TV.

News reporter : And now we will move onto the mission persons.
Lee Saeron
17 year old girl.
Brown hair black eyes.
Attends Seoul High.
Was last seen at Seoul Hospital.
She was wearing a hospital gown at the time.

If anyone has seen this girl, contact the following number.

I switched off the TV.

They think I'm missing?!

I looked down she saw a phone on the coffee table. I looked around to see if anyone was there, and when the coast was clear, I took it.

I dialed Min Ji's number and it started ringing.

"Hello? Who is this?" she asked.

I was just about to answer when someone grabbed the phone out of my hands from behind and hung up.

It was Jungkook.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" he yelled coldly.

I flinched at his tone.


"I asked what you were doing!" he yelled.

"I was calling my best friend!"

"Are you crazy? People can't find this place."

"I know but I saw on the news that people think I'm missing. I had to tell someone I'm okay."

"Dammit. You weren't supposed to find out about that."

"Well, I did. And I want to leave this place. I'm really grateful that you guys saved me, but I don't belong here. I'm not a werewolf."

"We know that. Which is why we were going to send you home anyway. We can't risk people finding out about this place."

I looked down,"Where...where should I go?"

"Well that's a really stupid question.
You go to your home."

I could feel my body start to shake.

What if my dad is there? What if he does something to me again?

"Why? Is something wrong? Can you not go back home?"

I shook my head.

"No. I can go back. I'll leave immediately." I said standing up and started walking.

He grabbed my wrist stopping me.

"Before you leave, there is something you need to know."

I looked at him in confusion.

I was sitting at a table. There were three other guys there. One of them being Jungkook.

"So, I guess you're wondering how we saved you."

"Yeah. I asked Jin but he said it wasn't important."

"Well, I think you deserve to know. Sir, will you explain?"

The older looking man nodded.

"My name is Seok Woo. Jeon Seok Woo. I'm Jungkook's father and also the head of this pack."

"So you're an alpha?"

"Yes. That is correct. When Namjoon brought you here last night, you were in a terrible state. You were barely alive. There was only one way to save you. It was a risk but we took it. And it worked. But, it has a consequence. Which you now have to live with. "

I looked at him confusion," What consequence? "

"To save you, we're performed an ancient ritual of a kind. It hasn't been used in over a hundred years because of its risks. An alpha has to bite the human and then connect them two to become one."

"So Jungkook is an alpha?" I asked with shock.

I thought that he was just a mere beta.

"Yes. Jungkook bit you to save your life, but he also linked you two together. It's not to the extent where if one of you dies, the other dies too. But, you can feel each other's presence. If one is in trouble, the other will feel it. The same goes with emotions as well. "

I looked at Jungkook who just hung his head low.

"So, what does this mean?"

"It's almost like a mating bond. Saeron. You will feel connected to Jungkook in ways that others aren't. You'll want to be with him all the time. He'll be like your safe haven. If you're sad or distressed, he's the only one that can make you feel better. You'll feel like you're in love, but it'll be one-sided. "

My eyes widened.

Hi guys. Sorry for the filler chapter. The next chapter will be better.

Also, don't forget to vote and comment.

Thanks guys.


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