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I was really happy after Jackson said that he wouldn't hurt me again. If I didn't have Jungkook, at least I had him.

I was walking to Min Ji when Jackson grabbed my arm stopping me.

"Saeron, sit with me and my friends. Over there." he said pointing at a table filled with all his friends.

"But I always sit with my best friend Min Ji."

"Then invite her." he says sounding kinda forced.


He nodded.

"Okay!" I yelled before running to Min Ji to tell her to sit with us.

She was hesitant after everything I told her that he did to me but trusted me and followed me.

I ended up bumping into someone's chest on my way to Jackson's table.

"Sorry." I mumbled.

I looked up and saw Jungkook looking back at me with a cold look that gave me shivers  my spine. Wow. I never thought he's look at me like that. Ever.

"Could you watch where you're going?" he scowled before walking off.

"Hey. You okay?" Min Ji asked softly.

I nodded and walked to the table. I sat next to Jackson and flinched when he held my hand in his.

"Don't worry about him Saeron. Just forget about him. I'm here now okay?"

He must've saw what happened with Jungkook. I simply nodded.

Maybe this isn't so bad after all.

I was walking home with Jackson since my father was there and he said he wanted to protect me. I found his concern quite sweet but it didn't make my heart flutter or anything. Not like Jungkook did.

I internally sighed because I was thinking about Jungkook.

"Thinking about Jungkook?" Jackson asked out of the blue.

I shamefully nodded.

I knew he liked me and here I was thinking of another guy while he's here with me.

He scoffed, "I thought I told you to forget about that guy."

I looked at him in disbelief, "I'm trying but it's not going to happen overnight."

"Well then, how about I make it happen?" he asked suddenly pinning me to the fence.

My eyes widened. I suddenly felt him kissing my neck.

"What...what are you doing?"

"Making you forget about that guy." he said against my skin.

"Please stop. I don't want this."

"I said I'd steal your heart didn't I?" he asked.

"Not like this. Not by forcing yourself onto me." I mumbled trying not to let out a moan as he sucked on my skin.

"Come on. Don't tell me you don't like it. I can tell you do."

"No. I don't." I said biting my bottom lip.

"Really?" he scoffed.

"Your body tells me differently."

"Please stop." I pleaded.

He pulled away and looked at me but I just turned my head avoiding his eyes.

"Look at me." he commanded.

I looked to him,"What?"

"Are you mad?"

"I dunno." I mumbled.

"Come on. You know I like you. I deserve my little bit of fun with you don't you think?" he asked making it sound like nothing.

I scoffed in disbelief.

"You said you wouldn't hurt me again but you're hurting me. Forcing yourself on me like this hurts me. Don't you realise that?!" I yelled.

"I'm sorry."

"Just stop Jackson. I'm tired. I don't have time for this." I said walking away.

"What about your father?"

I stopped and cursed under my breath. I just wanted to get away from Jackson but my father was still at home.

I sighed in defeat and turned to him, "Come on."

We walked to my house and my eyes widened with shock. My dad, was lying, dead, on the floor.

"What...what happened here?" I asked nervously.

"I told you I'd take care of it didn't I?" Jackson said smirking.

"No. You...you killed my father!"

"He deserved it after everything he did to you. He deserved to be punished."

"Yes, but not like this. Maybe jail but he didn't deserve to die! I can't believe this! You killed him! You actually killed him! How could you do this?"

He scoffed, "I did you a favour. Now he's out of your life permanently. And now, all you have to worry about  is pleasing me."

He took a step closer towards me and I backed up. My fear rose as I felt myself get backed up against the wall with no way to escape.

"Now no one is going to help you now. You alienated that wolf. He hates you now and told you never to return to him again. All you have is me."

"No! Let go of me! You said you changed! I believed you!"

"Stupid. Well, in this case, your stupidity works in my favour."

I tried wiggling out of his grip but resulted in him only gripping onto me tighter.

"Please. Just let me go. Haven't you hurt me enough already?"

"Maybe, but I want you all to myself. And this is the only way I can have you?"

I was confused as to what he meant but froze when I saw him take out a syringe from his pocket.

"Now you'll be mine." he said injecting the fluid into my body.

I felt my body go limp in his arms and muttered his name just before passing out, "Jackson."

"No. My new name is Master."

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