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I was currently at my house with Jungkook. I could feel tears threatening to pool out from seeing my father's body. He squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile which made me feel a little better.

I decided that I couldn't hide from reality anymore. So, today, I was holding a funeral for my father.

"You want something to eat while we wait?" he asked.

I shook my head, "I'm fine."

"Saeron. Please talk to me." he pleaded with concern.

I took his hand in mine.

"I'm fine. Really. I'll talk to you if it's necessary. I promise."

He kissed my forehead and let his lips linger there for a while but pulled away when my phone rang.

"Hello? Yes? Okay. I'm on my way." I hung up.

"He's ready."

"Let's go." he said holding my hand and leading me out.

We got my father's body back and buried it. I was standing at the grave site with Jungkook.

No one else came for the funeral since he didn't have any friends or anything.

Tears filled the rims of my eyes and Jungkook pulled me into his chest. I cried softly into his chest as he stroked my hair.

I couldn't feel more safe in anyone else's arms besides his.

He led me away back to the car.

"How come no one else was here besides us?" he asked breaking the silence.

"My dad didn't have any friends. He had one but he died not long after my mom did. It made me think. Maybe that's why he did all those things to me. Because he not only lost his wife, but his only friend too."

"Still. That's no excuse for what he did to you. You didn't deserve it."

"Thank you for being here today. I couldn't have made it through today without you."

"It's my pleasure. I'm always here for you."

I smiled and held my head on his shoulder, slowly falling asleep.

Jungkook arrived back at the pack house, carrying Saeron bridal style ignoring the stares he got from unfriendly pack members.

He set her down on his bed and made his way to the kitchen where he found Jin.

"Hey hyung." he greeted.

"Hey Jungkook. How was the funeral?"

"Bad. It was just the two of us and, I couldn't help but feel so powerless and helpless. She was crying and even though I tried to comfort her, there was nothing I could do to truly take the pain away."

"I'm sorry Jungkook. I made her some food, but now she's sleeping."

"Just leave it there for later. Not promising that she'll have an appetite."

"Yeah. You okay?"

"I'm fine. Just worried."

"Well, it's the school camp starting tomorrow, so that'll take her mind off things."

"I hope so."

Saeron sat upright in Jungkook's bed. She took a picture out of her small black bag and stared at it. It was a picture of her and her dad, before her mom died. When they were still close and before her father became abusive.

"Father, I'm sorry. I'm sorry Jackson killed you. I wanted you to suffer but I never wanted you to die. I'm sorry I couldn't stop him. Even though you did all those things to me, I don't hate you. I still love you. Because you're my father. I don't know why you suddenly changed. But I still love you. Goodbye. "

Tears started pooling out and before she knew it, she was sobbing. Bawling like a baby not caring about how loud she was being.

The door flung open as Jungkook rushed in.

His heart broke at her state. He immediately ran to her and pulled her into his embrace.

"Shhh. Its okay. Let it all out. It's okay." he said while running soothing circles on her back.

"He's gone. He's gone Jungkook. And even after everything he did to me, I still love him. It hurts so much!" she sobbed.

"It's okay. I understand. Just let it all out. You're not alone in this. I'm here for you. And I'm not going anywhere."

She continued crying and soon calmed down and fell asleep in his arms.

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