Seth Clearwater (Ariel)

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Seth can't sleep, it happens every now and then, having the best hearing in the pack is a great thing

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Seth can't sleep, it happens every now and then, having the best hearing in the pack is a great thing....unless he wants to sleep, when he can hear everything, the waves crashing on the beach, the seagull that likes to perch on the rock just off shore squawking away, the cars on the road, people talking in the next house, it all adds up, so he often finds himself walking the beach shore, far enough from the main residential area that he can clear his mind. Seth narrows his eyes spotting something ahead before shrugging and passing it off as a washed up fisherman's net, it happens, more often then not, nets, poles, driftwood, he once found a pair of trainers, his eyes catch moment again and he heads towards it this time rather than ignoring it shoving his hands in his pockets, he kicks a rock and watches it sail forward and hit a hand. Seth sighs before snapping his head up. A hand!! He rushes forward and looks to the hand, small delicate fingers, his eyes move up her arm to her elbow and then up to her shoulders, a mess of red hair tangled everywhere, her face hidden behind the mass of hair, and she's all tangled in the fishing neat.

"Damn" Seth drops to his knees and checks for signs of life, the waves still breaking over her back, he takes her wrist gently and pressing, her skin is soft still so she hasn't been in the water long and there is a pulse....that's good, Seth nods to himself and gets a sturdier grip on her arm and tries to turn her over, only she's pretty tangled in the net. He lets go of her arm and tries to find the end of the woven mesh before giving up and just ripping it from her, he tears strips of the net from her hair and then pulls it from her shoulders and throws it from her, before pushing her over onto her back, he brushes her hair from her face and makes sure she is breathing before actually looking at her. She's young, perhaps his age, maybe a little older, she's more than just pretty.....she's beautiful...and very unconscious....he should probably get her out of the water, and wrapped up.....and more so considering she's not wearing very much, Seth, despite the situation blushes, she's wearing a shell bra....fancy dress? He kinda doesn't want to look lower cause he's a nice kid but he should check, right? He brushes the seaweed and netting from her the lower he goes before smiling. Her costume is pretty epic, her tail even looks real, he goes back to her face and cups her cheek gently. "Hey" he gives her a little pat, just to wake her up. "Hey, hey, come on" he sits up a little and looks around, he pulls off his zip up hoodie and pulls her up slightly to wrap it around her shoulders, gently easing her arms through the sleeves, he zip it up and keeps her top half upright before slipping an arm under her legs/tail before pausing, feels pretty real too, he knew some people went over board on fancy dress but this girl is on another level. She groans and he looks to her face, she remain unconscious. He stands pulling her up in his arms, jostling her around a little till her head lulls against his shoulder. "It's okay" he tells her, even if she can't hear him. "I'm gonna get you somewhere warm...and dry"


Seth listens for movement in the house before deeming the coast clear and he sneaks back in with the girl still in his arms, he manoeuvres the house carefully, trying really hard not to knock anything with her tail before he dips into his bedroom and moves to his bed before setting her down carefully, she shivers and he grabs a blanket pulling it around her before crouching at her side.

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