Bucky Barnes and Thor (Fem!Logan)

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1944: Bucky Barnes kisses down the spine of his first soul mate, Jamie Howlett, his fingers trace over the number of scars she has littered all over her back

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1944: Bucky Barnes kisses down the spine of his first soul mate, Jamie Howlett, his fingers trace over the number of scars she has littered all over her back.

"Lucky Jamie" Bucky teases as she rolls over to face him, his fingers still on a scar. She smiles back at him and pulls him closer to kiss him, her legs wrapping around him, this is the first time in months they've had to themselves, the first lay over and he plans on making the most of it with her. He runs his hand down the back of her thigh and pulls her closer to him. "I love you" He tells her, she smirks.

"Softy" she teases poking his nose. "But....I love you too" she whispers, he strokes her cheek, along her jaw, down her neck and over the soul mark on her shoulder.

"When the war is over" he tells her. "We should get a little place"

"If the war ends" she corrects, he shrugs.

"If, when, whatever, I just know my future is with you, Jamie...." he whispers.


Many, many, many years later: Bucky wakes with a sharp inhale, his heart pounding, he takes another breath and closes his eyes, Jamie is a sore point for him, having loved her and lost her, when he'd fallen from the train he'd lost more than his arm and his freedom, he'd lost her to. Thor, his second soul mate, sits up and wraps an arm around him.

"James" he whispers, Bucky looks to him. Thor knows about Jamie, of course he does, Bucky had to tell him, that they'd once all shared a soul mark, it had taken Thor a while to get over that he'd lost a soul mate before he'd met her, but given his age, he perhaps should have to come to Midgard sooner to look for them.

"Go back to sleep" Bucky tells Thor sadly, Thor threads his fingers through Bucky's hair and scratches at his scalp.

"How can I sleep when you are upset?" Thor asks him, Bucky offers him a small smile and leans against his shoulder, his fingers reaching up to touch the soul mark over Thor's heart and Thor understands, Bucky was dreaming of her again, of Jamie. They've been coming more and more since he started getting his memories back, since they'd undone the conditioning in his mind. "Lay down" Thor tells him pulling him down with him, he reluctantly goes with him, sets his head on Thor's chest. "Do you want to talk about it?" Thor asks, Bucky shakes his head and curls around Thor. "Do you want to talk about her?" Thor corrects, Bucky shakes his head.

"I can't" Bucky tells him. "It hurts" Thor strokes his hair. "It still hurts"

"Because you loved her" Thor informs him. "Because she was our soul mate" Bucky sniffles and nuzzles into Thor's neck.


Logan sits propped up in a window frame, a leg hanging down the side as she smokes a cigar, her head resting back against the frame as she stares at the sky. Another dream, flickers of memories, faces, noises, nothing settles long enough for her to make sense of. Always just there but never close enough for her to cling to. She shakes her head and closes her eyes, reaching for her right shoulder, a soul mark sits there. She knows what they are, everyone does but she feels nothing for it, from it, it's just another mark on her body and she knows that's not how she should feel about it, she's just numb about it. She sighs and puts out her cigar in the palm of her hand before throwing it out the window and standing. She rolls her shoulders as she grabs her leather jacket from the back of the desk chair and pulls it on as she leaves her room. She needs a drink.

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