Pietro Maximoff and Loki (Zandra)

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"No" Loki tells his soul mate who is currently following him around. Pietro wants a cat. He wants a cat soooo bad it's driving Loki almost insane, and this isn't the first day he's asked, no, every day for the last two weeks Pietro has begged for a cat. Loki's not even sure he would know what to do with a cat, they don't have them on Asgard, a dog he could probably manage.....but a cat.

"Please" Pietro begs again, Loki sighs sliding his book onto the book case and turning to Pietro.


"But.....I want one" Pietro argues, Loki raises an eyebrow. "I've never had a pet before" Pietro admits. "We could never afford one in Sokovia.....and..."

"No" Loki tells him, Pietro huffs and then hugs Loki, wrapping his arms around him and looking up at him with those eyes Pietro knows gets Loki all weak, Loki groans and shoves his hand over Pietro's face.

"Pllllleeeeeaaaaasssssseeee!" Pietro whines.

"No, Pietro" Loki tells him. "You can barely look after yourself let alone a pet...." Pietro sets his head on Loki's chest and pouts. "And we both know that it will end up being me or Wanda that looks after it" Pietro nods against Loki's chest. "Maybe....start with a fish?" Loki offers, Pietro looks up at him.

"You know fish freak me out" Pietro tells him, Loki smirks and threads his fingers into Pietro's hair. "I'm hungry" Pietro states, Loki chuckles, his attention already shifting, another reason Loki said no to a pet, Pietro's attention span. How soon would he be bored with an animal? It wouldn't be fair on the creature.

"Let's go get something to eat then" Loki tells him tilting the young man's head back to kiss him.


Zandra runs pushing her way through the crowd trying to out run her pursuer, she may or may not, she has, stolen her lunch. She may or may not, she does, enjoy it. Maybe a little too much. She turns to walk backwards as the store security guards run towards her, she smirks and waves before vanishing in a puff of greeny blue smoke. Zandra reappears three blocks away, and two allies away from the place she calls home, she slides down the wall behind her and crosses her legs to eat her lunch.

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