Emmett Cullen (Tink)

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Emmett Cullen is the last one, the odd one out, each of his adoptive family members have all found their mates, their companions and he hasn't, and it gets annoying, having to sit and watch them all happy, happy and all loved up

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Emmett Cullen is the last one, the odd one out, each of his adoptive family members have all found their mates, their companions and he hasn't, and it gets annoying, having to sit and watch them all happy, happy and all loved up. Of course he's happy they have their other halves but come on, do they have to shove it in his face. Edward clears his throat across from the chess board they are both sat in front of.

"It's your move" Edward tells him quirking an eyebrow. He means chess and in finding a mate. Emmett shoots him a look before moving his chess piece.

"So what's the plan?" Emmett asks looking to Carlisle who reads some new medical thingy. "We've been here three days and there's no plan"

"Edward and Bella will be attending UAF, Jake and Nessie are going to High School, Rosalie and Alice are heading to Paris for a few weeks.....for shopping" Emmett crinkles his nose. "It's pretty much.....do what you want.....you're old enough to decide for yourself" Carlisle tells him. "What do you want to do?" Emmett looks back to the chess board.

"What is there in this town to do?"

"Logging" Edward points out. "Bear wrangling" he teases, Emmett rolls his eyes. "Fishing.....high school"

"What's Nico doing whilst Rosalie is away?"

"I am" Nico states walking into the room. "Joining Edward and Bella at UAF, different course don't worry" he offers sitting next to Emmett. "Psychology"

"Why don't you have a drive into town" Carlisle offers. "See if nothing peaks your interest" Emmett watches Edward make another chess move before he smirks.

"Check mate" Emmett growls and stands as Edward chuckles. Nico smirks as Carlisle smiles watching them warmly.

"I'm going out" Emmett tells them walking out the room.


Emmett ends up sitting outside of the coffee shop in town, he had to order something to stay so his coffee is getting cold in front of him. He scopes, watches, there has to be something in this town for him to do. His eyes find a woman, blonde, and dressed in green across the street with four children and their parents. Emmett leans up a little in his seat to look over the blonde. Hair pulled up in curls on the top of her head, a green sparkly headband and a green sparkly dress. One of the parents crouchs before her child and smiles.

"Be good for Miss Bell" she warns, the child chuckles and nods.

"They're always good" the blonde tells them.

"Thank you so much for this....."

"You are more than welcome" Miss Bell tells them back.

"We'll call when we are on our way back" one of the other parents tell her.

"No rush, we'll have fun" the parents bid their children goodbye before the blonde clasps her hands together. "All right....what are we doing today?" the woman asks smiling down at the four toddlers following her.

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