Bucky Barnes and Loki (Fem!Hedvika Haddock)

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Bucky Barnes lays with his head on his Loki's stomach, the pair had been a surprising pairing to the other Avengers, but the more they thought about it, the more it made sense, both a little broken, a little lost, both former villains, Loki questionably, though with Bucky, he seemed more keen on repenting for his past crimes. Plus before meeting the pair had only ever shown an interest in women, so to be paired with another man was a shock, but neither were all that bothered in the end. Loki strokes Bucky's back, his fingers tracing the lines of the dragon there, the silhouette of a Night Fury, Loki knows what and who it represents even if Bucky didn't, his soul mate didn't need to know that the other part of their soul is dead and gone, he wouldn't upset Bucky that way, hundreds of years had come and gone since he was told and it still hurts, he wouldn't put that on his other soul mate. Of course Bucky asks; why a dragon? Frequently. Loki just answers with; he doesn't know. Thor gives him looks sometimes, knowing about the other one, the first one, Loki's first soul mate and his best friend; Hiccup, obviously not her, yes a female, real name, but it was quicker and easier to say then Hedvika Horrendous Haddock, nicknamed Hiccup after an unfortunate week long hiccup episode when she was a child, the name stuck. A dragon rider. Beautiful and strong. And then she was gone. The dumb beast she rode couldn't save her. Bucky pokes his side and Loki looks down at him.

"Your mind was elsewhere" Bucky tells him, Loki curls an arm around him.

"My apologies" Loki soothes Bucky's hair back.

"What were you thinking about?" Bucky asks, Loki shakes his head.

"It's nothing" Bucky sits up, Loki groans.

"You get that look a lot when you drift off.....it's starts soft...like you're remembering someone you love...and then turns dark....mad and angry...." Loki sighs and sits back.

"Just someone I used to know....." Bucky nods and looks away.

"A girl?" Loki smirks.

"Would it matter?" he asks, Bucky pouts a little, Loki presses his hand to Bucky's shoulder and pushes him backwards. "You have nothing to worry about....I am utterly devoted to you" Bucky looks to him. "Don't look so surprised....you are my soul mate" Loki nuzzles into Bucky's neck. "That is how it works" Loki groans as someone knocks on their door, Bucky smirks.

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