Edward Cullen (Rayne)

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Edward Cullen had thought to spend the rest of his immortal life with Bella Cullen nee Swan, the prospect made better by the unexpected arrival of their daughter, Renesmee

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Edward Cullen had thought to spend the rest of his immortal life with Bella Cullen nee Swan, the prospect made better by the unexpected arrival of their daughter, Renesmee...but sometimes life or even the afterlife work out the way people hope. Bella started to grow distant the second she'd woken immortal, refused to hold her daughter, refused to let Edward touch her, it was only a matter of time, Alice had seen it happen, and no matter what...it would, Bella left, not a month after waking. She left....without hesitation. Leaving Edward and Renesmee heartbroken and lost.


Carlisle Cullen had sent out letters, begging for information when Bella was pregnant, for anything that would help explain what was happening, if it was possible (Which obviously it was), if it had been heard of...but it's not till after Renesmee's birth that he remembered a story. He'd heard from Garrett who'd heard it from someone else, Garrett had told him the story as a joke, as a can you believe the tripe they come up with story. But now. Carlisle is unsure whether it is tripe. So he sits at his desk and writes a letter.


I hope this finds you, my name is Carlisle Cullen and I am seeking information I believe you may be able to help me gather. My son's wife recently gave birth to a miraculous child. This is something we really must discuss in person and not in a letter. I beg of you to consider contacting me. I have searched everywhere else for answers......I hope you will have them.

Dr. Carlisle Cullen.


Rayne is an American dhampir, born circa 1915-1916. Her mother was raped by her vampire father, Kagan who later murdered her mother's entire family so that the only family member Rayne could turn to was him. Rayne instead spent her teenage years trying to hunt down and kill her father, to avenge her family. She was finally free of him by the 1970's...and settled in Germany, travelling form village to village. She drinks whislkey and blood to survive. Rayne finishes her current drink and sets the glass down. Just as someone slips an envelope under her hand, she glances up, the messenger winks and smirks at her. Tall, slender, dark blonde haired and scruffy looking, she smiles at him.

"Alistair" she greets as he sits across from her. "Thought you were all about hiding under a rock nowadays" he shrugs and taps her hand on the letter.

"I'm just a messenger....then I am going back under that rock" he leans back in his chair. "Are you not going to read your letter?"

"Why the interest?" Rayne asks pouring herself another drink. Alistair shrugs.

"I came all this way to deliver a bloody letter, Rayne, I want to know why" he teases, she sighs and rolls her eyes taking the letter from under her hand, she spins it around and tears through the wax seal before pulling the paper from inside. Reading over the letters she raises an eyebrow. "What is it?" Alistair asks.

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