Quil Ateara (Snow White)

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Quil Ateara stands with Paul, Jared, Jacob and Embry outside of school, doing what he always does

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Quil Ateara stands with Paul, Jared, Jacob and Embry outside of school, doing what he always does....watching for Mary Margaret. Embry and Jacob share a look, they miss their friend as much as Quil does. Mary Margaret had moved to the reservation when she was six when her father had remarried, her step-mother and step-sisters originally from Forks but her father had wanted a more natural setting. Quil smiles to himself. Snow's always loved nature. He looks across the parking lot as Snow's beat up beetle pulls in. Jacob and Embry move to his side to watch her.

"How do you think she's doing?" Embry asks.

"The same as you asked yesterday" Paul mumbles behind them. Snow parks and climbs out of the beetle and the three wolves sigh softly, missing their friend. Quil smiles sadly. The reason they nicknamed her Snow White. They'd been the closest before they'd all abandoned her, Embry first....then Jacob....and that left Quil and Snow....and then he'd left her too.

"She looks tired" Jacob points out. "Pale..." Embry snorts.

"Snow always looks pale" Jacob smacks the back of Embry's head.

"You know what I mean.......Quil?" Jacob looks to him. "What do you think?" Quil looks away from Snow and shrugs.

"I don't know" Paul and Jared share a look, Paul rolls his eyes. Jacob and Embry look to Snow as she pulls her guitar case from the car and walks towards the school, alone.

"I feel really bad" Embry whispers. "She has no one else..."

"Sam feels bad too" Jared tells them. "He knows how much she means to you all.....you all grew up together...."

"Yeah, we get it" Jacob mumbles.

"Just sucks..." Embry adds. Quil glances back to Snow as her step-sisters knock into her, sending her bag, books and case to the ground.

"Oh come on that's just mean" Paul mumbles watching. "I mean even I wasn't that much of a dick"

"Her step-sisters treat her like crap" Jacob states. "Step-mother is worse" Embry chuckles.

"We used to joke that with her being Snow White that they were the evil step-mother and ugly step-sisters" Embry looks to Jacob who smirks nudging Quil who's gone back to watching Snow picking her things up.

"Who names there kid Snow White?" Paul asks.

"It's not her real name" Embry points out. "It's Mary Margaret Blanchard, Snow's just her nickname cause of that line you know from the story....Lips red as the rose. Hair black as ebony. Skin white as snow...it pretty much describes what Mary Magaret looks like"


Snow opens her locker and sets her books inside, she looks up as a loud laugh breaks the chatter of the hall, Paul Lahote's laugh, over the top and loud, Snow rolls her eyes and looks away. She doesn't like him, or Jared, or Sam. They took her friends away from her. She looks to the photo stuck to the back of her locker, of her, Embry, Jacob and Quil, it's crinkled from how many times she's scrunched it up to throw away only to smooth it out and put it back. She looks away from it and shuts her locker door, grabbing her guitar case from the floor and walks away.

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