Steve Rogers and Bucky Barnes (Alice)

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"What are you doing?" Bucky Barnes asks one half of his soul mates, Steve who sits at a desk in their bedroom, Steve jumps a little and glances to him. "Sorry" Bucky apologises as he moves to sit on the edge of the bed.

"I wasn't doing anything" Steve mumbles, Bucky smirks.

"I would believe you if you didn't have the same guilty look on your face as you did when we were kids" Steve looks to him and sets the tablet in his hand down.

"I was just....looking at some old photos"

"So why the guilty face?" Bucky asks standing and moving to the desk, he grabs the tablet before Steve can stop him. "Alice" he whispers looking at the photo on screen.

"I feel guilty because we left her" Bucky nods and leans against the desk. "And we get one another back...."

"So you feel guilty that we get our happily ever after" Bucky teases a little before he drops the smirk. "And Alice got nothing?" Steve nods, Bucky reaches over and touches Steve's cheek. "Hey..." Steve looks up at him. "She'd be happy we got this, you know she would be" Steve stands and hugs Bucky who hugs him back.

"86 years ago today, she said my words"

"And she was right" Bucky teases. "You did need stitches" Steve laughs as he pulls back from Bucky, Bucky reaches up and touches the scar above Steve's eyebrow, only visible if you know it's there. Steve leans into Bucky's hand just as the former Winter Soldier's cell phone rings. Steve snorts.

"Who has your number?" Steve asks walking away, Bucky pulls his cell phone from his jeans. "You've only had it two weeks" Bucky shrugs and looks to the screen.

"Private number" he mumbles looking to Steve. "Do I answer it?"

"Up to you" Steve answers. Bucky looks to the screen before answering it.


"Finally" A female voice on the other end answers. Bucky frowns.

"Ada Wong?" he asks surprised.

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