Dean Winchester (Steph Rogers)

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Stephanie Gabrielle Rogers, Captain America, America's New Hope, The First Avenger, The Star Spangled Woman with a Plan

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Stephanie Gabrielle Rogers, Captain America, America's New Hope, The First Avenger, The Star Spangled Woman with a Plan.....War Criminal. Not exactly the title she wanted, or really deserved, since when was loyalty punished, being loyal to your friends results in you being hunted down and locked away. So now she's on the run, away from her friends, her team mates, her family. Some hero she turned out to be. She leans back in the booth at the far corner of the dive bar in the arse end of nowhere and touches the journal on the table. Her mother's journal. Turns out she had lied to her through out her childhood, those trips away when Steph would stay with Bucky and his family. Turns out Steph's mother liked to hunt the things that go bump in the night and Steph wouldn't have believed it if she hadn't been set upon by a vampire her first week back in the States. Instead of knowing all along Steph finds out almost 90 years after her mother's death, and it all makes sense, all the little talks her mother would give her. Beware the darkness. Steph just thought her mother was eccentric...a little odd but she was her mother and she loved her. Steph sighs and reaches for her scotch, she may not be able to get drunk doesn't mean she can't enjoy the good stuff.

"Wow this place is dead" a voice from the doorway sounds out. True the bar is dead, hence why Steph picked it, less people to recognise her, she leans forward and pulls her cap down further.



"We're here for a drink...not for you to hit on the locals" Steph rolls her eyes and closes the journal, downs the rest of her drink and stands. She's not going to get quiet any more. She grabs her backpack and sunglasses before pulling both on and heading to the bar, pulling enough money to pay the bartender she moves to the bar.

"All done?" the bartender asks.

"Yes, thanks" she sets the cash on the bar and turns to leave.

"I'm sorry, Captain" she freezes. "I had no choice" she sighs and looks around the bar as all but the last two men to enter stand from their seats.

"There is always a choice" she tells them shrugging off her bag and pulling down her hood, she pulls off her cap and looks to each of them.

"Captain America?" the two men look to her, Dean and the other guy, the tall one, she glances to them then to the others.

"Are we really going to do this?" she asks, the men share a look.

"Sorry, Cap" she sighs and flicks her hair over her shoulder before holding up her fists.


Steph stands in the centre of a ring if unconscious bodies, she looks to the bartender who stares amazed and scared.

"They threatened my family" he tells her. "My daughter" Steph softens.

"Admirable....fighting for family...." Steph shakes her head and grabs her bag. "I did that once" she looks to him and throws an envelope on the bar top. "For damages" she turns and leaves the bar as the bartender opens the envelope to find a wad of cash, he looks to where Steph disappears through the door.

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