Castiel (Selene)

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Soulmates. God's way of pointing out the perfect match for you. And his way of letting you know who they are? A countdown timer on the left forearm. Tick tocking down to the second you'll meet your soul mate. Jimmy Novak's countdown timer on his arm hit 0 the moment he'd met Amelia. His soul mate. Castiel thought little of it when he took Jimmy as his vessel. Soulmates for angels were rare, so rare it had yet to be done. The mark on Jimmy's arm disappeared completely when Castiel took over. A new soul. A new person. Supposedly a new soulmate. He thought nothing of soulmates after least until Dean found his in Anna. An angel with a human soul mate. And then Sam found his in Crowley. A demon with a human soul mate. After then Dean would catch Castiel looking at his arm, as if waiting for a timer to suddenly appear. And the face he'd make when nothing happened. As if he felt like there was something wrong with him, that he was faulty. Heartbreaking.

"He's got the face again" Anna tells Dean as she watches Castiel.

"Yeah, he looked this morning..." Dean explains. He looks to Anna. "Why doesn't he have one?" he asks. "Yours and Ruby's appeared as soon as you took your vessels...." Anna shrugs.

"Maybe he doesn't have a soul mate" she answers softly. "Maybe..."

"He's faulty?" Dean asks.

"No" Anna corrects. "He's not faulty...." she squeezes his hand. "But they may have been and gone, Dean...." Dean sighs. "You must have thought of that" he wraps an arm around her waist and pulls her into his lap.

"I hoped....if anyone deserves a break..."

"I know" Anna tells him softly stroking his cheek.


Castiel sits by himself, it never used to bother him, how the others have their other halves, he feels....lonely. He supposes sitting by himself doesn't help that. He scratches at his arm, his left, where Jimmy's countdown used to sit.

"Ow" he complains, frowns and pulls his sleeve up. There on his arm is a countdown. He sucks in a breath and then touches it, traces the lines of numbers. 01-03-07-05-40-50. One year, three months, seven weeks, five days, forty minutes and fifty seconds....forty nine seconds till he meets his soul mate. Castiel smiles. He has a soul mate. He touches the seconds mark and taps his finger along with the countdown. Why now? He supposes that's a good question. Why has it appeared now? Jimmy's been his vessel for years now why has the countdown only appeared now?


In Hungary within an Antigen facility the power on one of their cryo storage tanks shuts down. The ice slowly melts from the glass and inside; Selene wakes, her eyes shooting open, she looks around cautious before swinging slightly and smashing the glass and falling out, she lays on the ground in the glass and cryo fog. She looks around and pushes herself up. She moves across the room and uses her elbow to shatter the glass on a cabinet, from which she pulls her suit and boots.

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