Tony Stark (Syrena)

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Tony Stark tried dating, pretty much every girl under the sun, but none of them had his soul mark, he'd hoped Pepper would have been the one, she had a soul mark, just not the one matching his, they'd separated, amicably, she's still his assistant...

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Tony Stark tried dating, pretty much every girl under the sun, but none of them had his soul mark, he'd hoped Pepper would have been the one, she had a soul mark, just not the one matching his, they'd separated, amicably, she's still his assistant and still tells him how to behave, she'd actually found her soul mate in his best friend, Rhodey, which makes things a little easier.

"Ow" he complains getting hit in the back with a small rocket, he turns to Rhodey.

"You were about to fly into a tree" Rhodey tells him back, Tony glances forward and frowns at the tree in front of him. "What's going on with you?" Rhodey asks as they carry on forward towards the Hydra base, Thor rockets past them, hammer held forward.

"Nothing" Tony answers.

"Something has been bothering you" Clint adds through coms. "You didn't chat the blonde waitress up last night"

"He didn't?" Natasha asks surprised. "Are you sick?" Tony sighs as Rhodey smirks flying past him.

"I'm not sick" he tells them. Steve throws his shield to Bucky who uses it to knock out a group of Hydra agents.

"Is it about your Soul mate?" Bucky asks.

"What? No" Tony answers.

"It is" Steve points out. "Especially with his 50th birthday around the corner"

" fear you won't find her before it's too late" Thor adds.

"It's not about my soul mate...or turning 50" Tony corrects them. "Can we drop it?" he lands and fires off a round of mini rockets.

"Touchy subject" Wanda mumbles with a smirk as she and Clint head towards the guard tower.

"Yeah, well a tower full of soul matched partners will do that to a guy" Tony grumbles.

"Don't be so bitter, old man" Pietro mumbles speeding past Tony. Tony raises his gauntlet.

"How much does the kid actually add to the team?" he asks aiming for Pietro. "Can we do without him? I think we can do without him"

"Tony" Steve warns.

"Relax....I wasn't actually going to shoot him" he flies off again. "Is it me or is this place more heavily guarded then the last three we hit?"

"No, you're right" Bucky answers smashing a guy in the face with his metal hand. "This is one of their Science facilities.....they have more guards to control the inmates" Vision uses the mind stone to blast at a guard as he flies past.

"Inmates?" Wanda asks blasting a guy with red mist.

"Subjects...." Bucky corrects. "This is where they experiment"

"So expect wounded" Steve tells them. "Check your targets, let's not make this worse"

"Got it" Clint answers wrapping an arm around Wanda after shooting a grappling arrow. "Up we go!" he teases as they zip up to the guard tower. 

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