Embry Call (Pocahontas)

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Jasper asks Alice, completely uneasy about the forest around them, and at night, being a vampire means you are most of the time unafraid but this place gives Jasper the creeps

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"Are you sure this is the right place?" Jasper asks Alice, completely uneasy about the forest around them, and at night, being a vampire means you are most of the time unafraid but this place gives Jasper the creeps.

"She's here somewhere" Alice looks around the Hoia-Baciu Forest, that doesn't help Jasper's nerves either, the most haunted forest in the world.

"Well, she certainly picked a place to hide" he mumbles moving closer to Alice as he glares at a tree. "Alice....there's a human head in the tree......It's staring at me" Alice takes his hand and pulls him along with her. "Do you really think she'll help?"

"I saw so" Jasper looks around them and spots movement in the trees above them, fast.


"I see her" Alice predicts her movements and tracks her as she moves through the trees.

"This was a bad idea" Jasper mumbles.

"Pocahontas?" Alice asks the figure as it moves to another tree before she jumps down ahead of them, Jasper places himself between Alice and the savage looking woman ahead of them, mostly savage as she is wearing human skulls at her waist. And there is dried blood sticking to her bare legs and shoulders. She crouches close to the ground, ready to spring forward, ready to attack, Alice places her hand on Jasper's arm and steps around him eyeing the woman carefully, she frowns trying to remember the words she learnt for this meeting. "Wingapo" Pocahontas stares at Alice. "Urm....E-wee-ne-tu" Pocahontas raises an eyebrow before straightening, Jasper pushes Alice back behind him. "Carlisle needs your help, our family is in danger" she turns her club/stick up and presses it to the ground to lean on it.

"I go" she states stepping back into the trees.

"Are you going to help?" Jasper asks stepping to follow her, she glance to him and smirks just as a raccoon jumps down onto her shoulders.

"Help" she answers before disappearing into the trees. Jasper looks to Alice.

"Does that mean she is going to help, or was she just repeating what I said?" Alice stares into the trees. "Alice?"

"She disappeared" she tells him. "I can't see her anymore"

"You mean right now or from your visions?" Alice shoots him a look.

"From my visions....I can't tell whether that is a good thing or not" Alice sighs and takes his hand in hers. "Come on, we've still got a lot of ground to cover"


Embry and Leah, in wolf forms sit in the trees outside the Cullen house, watching the vampires through the windows, they are all on edge, the wolves, Leah is keeping Seth away from the house and the excess in vampires. Quil is choosing to spend most of his time back in La Push with Claire but there is nothing keeping Embry or Leah there, no imprints, no partners, Leah and Embry both snap their heads up as Sam's howl pierces the air, a warning howl, Jacob runs out of the Cullen house and looks straight at them.

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