Clint Barton (Katniss)

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Bucky Barnes, former Hydra assassin and formerly brainwashed sits across from Clint Barton, Hawkeye, former SHIELD agent and currently Bucky's chess opponent, the chess game going between them, it's helping Bucky get his brain function back up to ...

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Bucky Barnes, former Hydra assassin and formerly brainwashed sits across from Clint Barton, Hawkeye, former SHIELD agent and currently Bucky's chess opponent, the chess game going between them, it's helping Bucky get his brain function back up to what it was before Hydra.

"It's your turn" Clint tells Bucky who's staring off into space, his mind elsewhere. "Dude..." Bucky looks to him. "It's your turn" Bucky makes his move and leans back. "What were you thinking on?" Clint asks.


"Sam says you have to talk about it..." Clint reminds him, Bucky rolls his eyes and sighs.

"'s nothing...your turn" Clint looks to the board and pouts.

"I'll tell Sam you're not sharing with the class" Bucky glares at Clint who smirks.

"Tell Sam" Bucky moves his chess piece and smirks. "Check mate" Bucky stands and walks away as Clint stares at the board.

"Sonovabitch" Clint complains knocking his pieces over.


"Steve" Bucky approaches his best friend and soul mate, he's been trying to pluck up the courage to admit something to him for weeks now and now he feels he has to.

"Yeah?" Steve looks up from the book in his lap. "What's wrong?"

"'s the know I did some things with Hydra...bad things.."

"Yeah" Steve frowns at him.

"Well....I left out something pretty important.....and I mean...I wanted to tell you, I really really did but....I was kind of afraid...I love you, you're my soul mate and stuff"

"Buck..." Bucky looks to Steve. "You can tell me anything" Steve tells him softly. Bucky looks away.

"I have a daughter" the room falls silent, just the whirling plates in Bucky's metal arm and their joint breathing. Steve just stares at Bucky, of all the things that ran through his head that Bucky could possibly have to tell him, this was not at all on the list.

"A daughter?" Steve asks quietly. "Like you and a woman....and....she..."

"Yeah" Bucky nods.

"Okay" Steve stands, Bucky frowns.

"Okay?" Steve nods.

"Yes, I know you weren't in control of your actions whilst with Hydra....and I know it's not this girls fault that she was born...." Steve moves to Bucky. "Why now? Why are you telling me now?"

"I...want to find her" Steve nods.

"Where do we start?" Steve asks. Bucky shrugs.

"I don't know....she was still with Hydra last I heard....but that was before the fall and I don't know what happened to her after that...."

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