Sam and Dean Winchester (Katherine MacLeod)

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Crowley stands at his drinks tray and pours two glasses of scotch out before turning to Katherine Pierce, handcuffed to the chair in front of his desk. She groans and rolls her neck and head until she can glare at him.

"Morning, love" she glares harder at him. "Oh come now, Kitty-Kat..."

"Why did you have your demonic little henchmen kidnap me and snap my neck?" he moves and sets one of the drinks in her hand. "Again" she tries to raise the glass to her lips but the cuffs stop. "Seriously?" she looks up at Crowley.

"You've always been a bit of a flight risk" he teases, clicking his fingers he removes one of the cuffs, she raises the glass to her lips and smirks as he does the same with his own glass.

"Balblair 1999" she states.

"Only the best for my little girl" he tells her, Katherine looks to him and narrows her eyes, he never does anything for her, never anything nice, not even when they were human and she was her Daddy's little girl.

"What do you want?" she asks setting the drink down.

"I need you to work your...charms on a pair of hunter brothers.....tell me what they're up to"

"You have plenty of low level demons with meat suits capable of charming...."

"And they'll smell demons a mile away...." Crowley tells her. "You...." he smirks pointing his drink at her. "Your kind they have not crossed before"

"They've not crossed vampires? What sort of hunters are they?"

"You've been lucky, given your body count....they've just not met your kind of vampire before..."

"I'm curious" she tells him tugging on the remaining cuff. "So...can you release me?" Crowley clicks his fingers and the cuff disappears, Katherine downs the rest of her drink and stands. "What's the plan?" she asks. "You do have one, right?"

"Them boys can't resist a damsel in distress" he smirks at her, she sighs and crosses her arms over her chest, popping her hip.

"You're going to have me kidnapped again, aren't you?" she asks. Crowley smirks.

"We're Scottish, love....dramatic flare is everything" He snaps his fingers and her neck breaks, again, she falls to the floor with a thud. "Sorry, Kitty Kat" he coos.


Katherine wakes on some dirty forest floor, she scowls at her outfit covered in mud as she stands.

"Katerina?" she snaps her head to the demon behind her, he holds out a letter and she snatches it from him.

"It's Katherine...only your King is allowed to call me Katerina" she stands and opens the letter. "Speaking of your King.....this is great" she mumbles sarcastically. She holds it out to the demon.

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