Crowley and Lucifer (Fem!Hades)

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Lucifer and Crowley glare at one another across the table, Sam, Dean and Cas watch them, Dean amused and Sam frowns.

"How long they been at it?" Sam asks.

"Two days" Castiel answers.

"It's not like they need to move...." Dean mumbles. "Who's turn is it?" he asks.

"Crowley's" Castiel answers. Crowley raises an eyebrow at Lucifer and moves a chess piece from the board between them, Lucifer wrinkles his nose in distaste, Crowley smirks. Gabriel enters and presses his head to Sam's back.

"Urgh" he complains, Sam frowns and looks to him.

"What's wrong with you?"

"Bbbbooooorrrrrreeeeeddddd" Gabriel complains, Dean rolls his eyes. Something clatters across the room and they all turn to it, two 'creatures' are carrying the Spear of Destiny between them. Crowley and Lucifier share a look.

"Are they?" Lucifer asks.

"I think they are...." Crowley adds, before turning to them. "Pain"

"Panic" the two creatures turn to them.

"Oh, my Gods! They've seen us..." they share a look.

"Run for it!" they run with the spear.

"After them" Gabriel, Sam, Dean, Castiel all run after them, Crowley and Lucifer go back to their chess game.

"How long do you think it will take them to realise?" Lucifer asks, Crowley smirks and shrugs.

"It could be a while...."


Sam, Castiel, Dean and Gabriel return and looks to the two anti-heroes playing chess.

"They were gone the second they wanted to be..." Crowley explains.

"Well what are they?"

"Pain and Panic..." Lucifer answers. "They're just minions.....they like the steal things..."

"They pop up every now and then...harmless...."

"They took the Spear of Destiny..." Dean points out. "Dangerous weapon....can we get it back?" Lucifer and Crowley share a look, they both smirk, they've been waiting for this day.

"There is someone..." Lucifer teases. "We can summon....that may be able to help"


Crowley smirks at the blue haired woman now stood in the summoning circle.

"So, Hades, you finally made it" she turns to face him. "How are things in the underworld?"

"Well, they're just fine. You know, a little dark, a little gloomy. And, as always, hey, full of dead people. What are you gonna do?" she turns to Lucifer who smiles wider. "The name's Hades, Lady of the Dead. Hi, how ya doing?" she offers him her hand, Lucifer takes it and kisses the back of it before stepping closer to the ring of Holy fire.

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