Jasper Hale (Yue)

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Jasper Hale was the last one of his family, the last lonely member, the last without his mate, Carlisle has Esme, Edward has Bella, Emmett has Rosalie, Alice has Patrick and even little Renesmee has Jacob, but not Jasper, no he seems doomed to spe...

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Jasper Hale was the last one of his family, the last lonely member, the last without his mate, Carlisle has Esme, Edward has Bella, Emmett has Rosalie, Alice has Patrick and even little Renesmee has Jacob, but not Jasper, no he seems doomed to spend his life miserable and alone. Punishment. He tells himself, for being what he is, for having done all the things he's done, all the blood he's shed, he doesn't deserve to be happy and in love. Alice looks up from the magazine's she's reading in the seat across from Jasper, they're on route to the North Pole. The North Pole. Alice smirks and leans against Patrick who kisses her head.

"I hate flying" Jasper complains.

"It's a private jet...." Patrick tells him. "No unnecessary humans" Jasper rolls his eyes. "You could have stayed behind"

"Too many happy couples" he grumbles.

"They are hardly happy now" Alice points out. "Doesn't matter though, this trip will be good for you" She smirks knowingly at him. Jasper rolls his eyes and leans to look out the window at the frozen wasteland below. Patrick kisses Alice's head and gives her a small shrug, his twin is stubborn and maybe so far down in the self-hate well that there may not be a way out again.


"We have to travel the river the rest of the way" Alice motions to the boat ahead of them, Jasper sighs and looks to her.

"Won't it be frozen" Alice rolls her eyes.

"Just get in the boat" Patrick shoves his brother forward. Alice takes Patrick's hand and they follow Jasper to the boat.


Princess Yue watches the strangers enter the frozen fortress she calls home, she leans against a pillar of ice as they pass her.

"This place is incredible" One of the blonde men tells the small dark haired girl at his side. The girl pauses and looks directly at Yue who ducks behind the pillar.

"Alice?" the other blonde asks.

"It's nothing" the girl answers with a smile. "Come on" she walks forward with a small skip in her step, the two men share a look before following, Yue steps out from the pillar and watches them go.

"Princess?" she sighs and turns to the guard who called her name. "Your father is asking for you" she nods.

"Very well" she turns and follows the guard.


Yue sits beside her father, Chief of the Northern Water Tribe, as he awaits the strangers.


Jasper sticks behind Alice and Patrick, they're the people vampires, they are better at talking to people. He glances around the room they are brought to, open aired, and of course covered in ice. Not that he can feel the cold. But he can smell how cold it is and he subconsciously pulls his jacket around himself, it's not needed of course but almost an old human habit. Even after all this time. Alice and Patrick stop ahead of him and Jasper does the same behind them, before moving to stand on the other side of Alice, both male vampires angling themselves protectively by her side, though Jasper softens when his eyes catch sight of probably the most beautiful girl he'd ever laid eyes on, Alice smirks at his side as Patrick wraps an arm around her waist. Jasper's eyes remain on the white haired, blue eyed girl sat at the side of the chief. Alice steps forward and inclines her head slightly.

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