Pietro Maximoff (Lightning Odinsdottir)

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Loki watches his 'brother' and Captain America try to wrestle the Winter Soldier into the Hulk's containment cell

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Loki watches his 'brother' and Captain America try to wrestle the Winter Soldier into the Hulk's containment cell. They's finally tracked him down to a Hydra cell all the way across the world in Tibet, thinking that they wouldn't search that far, obviously they were wrong, underestimated how far Rogers would go for his friend. Loki taps his chin watching Barnes fight back, this isn't getting them anywhere. He strides towards the solider and rolls his wrist bringing magic to his palm.

"Get out of the way" he snarls, Steve and Thor look to him.


"Are you mad?" Loki smirks and shrugs.

"Just...get out of the way" Thor and Steve share a look before stepping away, Loki raises his hand and blows the magic into Barnes' face. The Soldier stares at him before collapsing.

"What did you do?" Steve asks pulling his friend up.

"Simple sleep spell....he'll be out long enough for you to get him contained" Loki looks to Steve and smirks. "You're welcome"

"I don't understand why he's like this...." Steve states as Thor lifts Barnes up and carries him into the containment cell. "The last time we crossed....he looked at me and he knew me.....this time there is nothing" Thor leaves the cell and Friday, Stark's newest A.I, closes the doors behind him.

"We should transport him to the Avenger Facility, it will be more capale of securing him"

"The Stark tower is empty" Steve states. "There is no risk of injury....or death"

"Did you at least tell anyone else we got him?" Loki asks crossing his arms over his chest.

"Stark knows....we're keeping it from the others until we figure out what to do"

"What are we going to do?" Thor asks, Loki stares at Barnes before scoffing, Steve and Thor look to him.

"Nothing, there is nothing you can do" Loki answers. "What is wrong with him, isn't something we can fix...."

"Brother?" Thor asks, Loki rolls his eyes at the title, he looks to Thor.

"He has no soul" Loki answers looking back to Barnes. Steve and Thor look to Barnes.

"No soul" Steve mumbles. "That can happen? I mean....we have souls?"

"It is the bases of who we are. It is our characteristics, our personality, our feelings" Loki looks to Steve. "Our memories" Steve looks to Loki.

"So if we got his soul back....he would go back to being...Bucky?" Loki shrugs.

"Probably...." Thor moves closer to Loki.

"Are you thinking what I am thinking?"

"I highly doubt that" Loki grumbles.

"She could.." Loki then catches on, there is only one SHE he could be talking about in this situation.

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