Tony Stark (Snow White)

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Kids grow up being told that one day they'll meet their soul mate, true love and a happy ending, but

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Kids grow up being told that one day they'll meet their soul mate, true love and a happy ending, but...what they don't get told is that some times soul mates suck and that they won't get their happily ever after that they are meant to. Just like Snow White. Her soul mate, it turned out, is a giant jackass. A giant public jackass. She supposes that's what she gets for finding him young, too young perhaps. Snow sighs and moves to clear up a table across the diner she works in.

"Somewhere....beyond the sea" she sings to herself as she wipes down the table. "Somewhere waiting for me" the bell above the door goes, Snow doesn't look up. "We're closed" she tells them before going back to singing. "My lover stands on golden sands. And watches the ships that go sailing" She turns and jumps, screaming a little. " scared the crap out of me" her oldest friend smiles at her from where he stands on crutches.

"Sorry, are you?" she scoffs and motions to his crutches.

"Better then you, what the hell happened?" she moves to him and kisses his cheek before motioning to a booth in the corner. Rhodey smiles and follows her to sit together. He sets his crutches against the side of the seat and reaches across the table for her hand.

"It was an accident......"

"I saw what happened to the Avengers on the news....I'm so sorry" Rhodey shakes his head and smiles sadly. "It was his fault....wasn't it?"

"Snow..." she scoffs and stands letting go of Rhodey's hand.

"Do you see what the universe put me with, Rhodey? That man is unbelievable" she moves to the counter and sighs leaning on it. "Why are you still his friend?" she asks, Rhodey looks to her.

"The same reason you are still in love with him" Snow rolls her eyes.

"I can't control that...believe me, I've tried" she slides onto her elbows and cups her chin. "You know how hard I have tried to move doesn't work like that" he sighs.

"I know, Snow...." Rhodey turns in his seat. "Look...I didn't come to upset you"

"I know..." she looks to him softly.

"And I know he's a touchy subject.....I actually came for your help" Snow frowns at him.

"My help?" she asks. "You have a team of superheros living under the same roof as you....but you need MY help?" Rhodey rolls his eyes and smiles.

" soul mate, Pepper, who you have to meet anyway, you'll love her" Snow smiles a little. "Well she came up with an get the team back into the public's good graces.....a comic book" Snow purses her lips.

"And you came to me?"

"You're kidding right, you're crazy are forgetting that I've seen your portfolio....and that superheros is what you comic best..."

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