Jasper Hale and Garrett (Blink)

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Blink stands looking up at the sky, the sun setting in the distance, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes breathing in the city air

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Blink stands looking up at the sky, the sun setting in the distance, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes breathing in the city air. She loves the nights, but sometimes she misses standing in the sun, feeling it warming her skin. Hands finds her waist and pull her back inside of the building behind her, she smirks a little as the hands curl around her waist.

"What are you doing?" Garrett, her vampire mate, the love of her life, asks behind her leaning closer to kiss her neck.

"I was careful" she answers. "I just wanted to take a look at the sun" she turns to him wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers threading into his long brown hair. His hands rest on the small of her back.

"I know you miss it" he kisses her softly. "But still" he starts pulling back. "We have to be careful" he kisses along her jaw, she rolls her eyes but smiles.

"I'm hungry, Gar" she whispers, he nips at her neck before pulling back.

"Me too actually" he agrees looking down at her, stroking his fingers over her cheek. Garrett remembers the first time he smelt Blink. Well he smelt her blood after she'd been attacked by another vampire and then left for dead. He could have finished her off. Put her out of her misery. But something stopped him. Perhaps a part of him knew she was meant to be his. His mate. His love. His perfect little vampire. "You know you're beautiful" he tells her, she looks to him and smiles.

"You have to say that" she points out. "I'm your mate" he snorts.

"I don't have to" he argues pulling her closer to him. "It's the truth and you know it" she shakes her head.

"You know I don't" she pulls away from him. Garrett does know, Blink has issues with the way she looks, the eyes, the hair, the markings on her face, the pointed ears. He knows she has issues with each of these things. Problem is that no one can explain them. She doesn't look like a vampire and it bothers her, no matter how many times he tells her she's beautiful. And she is to him. The most beautiful. And it hurts him that she can't see what he sees. He grabs her wrist and pulls her back to him, raises his free hand and brushes his fingers over her cheek.

"I love you" he tells her. "Just the way you are" she lifts her eyes to his. "I wouldn't have stuck at your side for more than 200 years if I didn't" he nudges her nose. "I love your eyes, your ears, this mark" he touches her cheek. "Your hair" he kisses her cheek and pulls back. "Because my mate is one of a kind and I love that" she smiles and presses her head to his chest, he wraps his arms around her. "Wanna grab that bite?" he asks her, she nods against his chest.

"Something foreign" she states, he chuckles and nods taking her hand and raises it to his lips.

"Whatever you want, love" he tells her warmly.


Blink leans back against the wall of an alley, Garrett rests his hand above her head and smirks down at her, his other hand on her waist. They're both procrastinating, instead of hunting, Garrett is littering her with affection, she can't complain, he makes her feel all warm and fuzzy inside, it's why she loves him. This and the way he smiles at her when he thinks she isn't looking. Garrett leans closer and kisses her, the two of them just taking a moment or two to enjoy it. Even after more then 200 years they still get each other excited, they still want one another, they both still feel the same way they did when they first fell in love. Considering human couples that's pretty damn good. Garrett wraps his arm around her waist and tugs her closer to him, Garrett has a thing about doing things in public, he likes to show off what's his, he likes to show of Blink. He lifts her up and presses her against the wall, her legs wrapping around his waist, and it's definitely leading somewhere, she'll indulge him in anything he wants, any where he wants. Garrett pauses in kissing her and then he groans, she smirks.

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