Thor and Loki (Zatanna)

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Zatanna sits at her dressing table setting her top hat on her head, her phone on speaker beside her, she rolls her eyes listening to the Auction House that sold her father's book of spells, she's been looking for it for years and finally, finally ...

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Zatanna sits at her dressing table setting her top hat on her head, her phone on speaker beside her, she rolls her eyes listening to the Auction House that sold her father's book of spells, she's been looking for it for years and finally, finally caught a lead on it, an Auction house in Manhattan, of course by the time she actually got hold of someone on the phone, they'd already sold the book on, which is why she is trying to persuade the gentleman on the phone to give up the buyer, which would be so much easier if she was stood before him, which she isn't, so she's hoping charm works.

"I understand" she tells him. "But this book shouldn't have been sold in the first place, it was stolen from my home ten years sold on stolen property"

"And I apologise for that mistake, Miss Zatara...." Zatanna sighs and stands smoothing out her jacket. "But I cannot simply give out information on our buyers...." Zatanna clenches her jaw.

"Fine...thank you, for nothing" she hangs up and throws her phone aside. "I will have to get the information myself" she looks over her shoulder as someone knocks on her dressing room door.

"Five minutes, Miss Zatara" she sighs.

"Very well" she turns and leaves the room.


Loki watches his brother....correction his soul mate sleep beside him, it still hits him as weird some days, that his adoptive brother turned out to be his soul mate, that confused the pair of them up until more recent years when they found out Loki was a stolen prince of Joutenheim and therefore not actually related to Thor. All those years they'd hidden their relationship, hidden what they felt for one another. Thor snorts and rolls over in his sleep, Loki rolls his eyes and looks back to the book in his lap. John Zatara, possibly the one mortal that is worthy of Loki's respect, a man of actual magic and skill. He'd been lucky to find the book, just sitting there at an Auction with no interest. Thor rolls over and curls around Loki who sighs.

"How many times do I need to tell you that I don't cuddle?" Loki complains, Thor chuckles. "Oaf" Thor sits up and brushes his hair back from his face.

"You're reading that book again?" he asks.

"This man...he was a true's fascinating" Thor smirks.

"Look at awe of a mortal man" Loki rolls his eyes and scoffs.

"He is the better of these people" Thor plucks the book from Loki's hands. "Be careful with that" Loki complains, Thor closes the book and sets it on the side.

"Go to sleep" Thor turns and lays back down, Loki sighs and turns off his bedside lamp before snuggling down, facing away from Thor, who turns and wraps an arm around him, Loki smiles.


Zatanna appears in the office of the Auction house owner, she smirks and walks towards the computer, sitting at the desk she works her fingers over the board searching for her father's book records, she smirks finding them and presses print on the keyboard before standing and moving to grab the paper.

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