Sam Wilson (Laurel)

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Dinah Von Strucker enters the apartment in which her son and daughter share whenever they're in the city

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Dinah Von Strucker enters the apartment in which her son and daughter share whenever they're in the city. Her son Werner lays curled up on the couch, staring blankly at the tv. Dinah sighs.

"Where's your sister?" she asks setting her bag down.

"In her room...." he mumbles. "She won't come out..."

"Is she drinking?" Dinah asks. Werner shrugs.

"I don't know" he sits up and looks to his mother. "When's the funeral?" he asks.

"Tomorrow" she answers. "Have you eaten?" she asks, he nods.

"I left some outside of Laurel's room too" she moves to him and cups his cheek. He leans into his mother's hand.

"Is your suit clean?" he nods. "Good boy" she strokes his cheek. "Go shower" she turns and heads towards Laurel's room.


"Laurel" Dinah knocks on her daughter's bedroom door. "Laurel?"

"What?" Laurel asks back, Dinah opens the door and steps into the darkened room.

"Oh Laurel, did you drink?" Dinah asks looking to where Laurel lays curled up in her bed. "Do I need to call your sponsor?" Laurel sighs.

"No...I'm fine, I didn't drink" Dinah moves to sit on the edge of the bed.

"This about your Dad?" she asks, Laurel nods and sits up, which knocks the tissues and bottles of water to the floor.

"I miss him" she whispers. Dinah sighs sadly.

"I know you and your father were close"

"I should have been there" Laurel growls. "I could have saved him..."

"Or you would be dead too" Dinah corrects. "Your father loved you, Laurel....why do you think you were allowed to be part of his work and Werner wasn't?"

"Because I'm different" she tells her mother. "Because of my voice" Dinah sighs and nods.

"Yes, that's part of it....but he loved working with you too. His Canary" Dinah touches her cheek. "Why don't you get showered....I'll make you some soup, you know you are supposed to look after your voice" Laurel nods and curls back into bed.

"Five more minutes" she whispers. Dinah sighs and stands leaving the room.


Laurel looks down at her father's grave, Wolfgang Von Strucker, murdered by Ultron who was created by the Avengers, they killed him for being a scientist. Werner and Dinah stands with her. Laurel swallows the lump in her throat and crouches pulling a bottle of whiskey from her coat and opening it up.

"Laurel?" Werner asks, she turns and pours it out over the grave, Dinah and Werner sharing a look behind her.

"I miss you, Dad" Laurel states ass he stands. Werner takes her hand and she looks to him. He raises her hand and kisses the back of it. She rests her head on his shoulder.

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