Garret (Lightning)

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Lightning kneels before the Crystal Throne, a fist pressed to her chest, her head bowed as she prays for direction

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Lightning kneels before the Crystal Throne, a fist pressed to her chest, her head bowed as she prays for direction. There are flashes of images inside her mind, words, address, she opens her eyes and stands pulling her sword from it's stand and walks away from the throne.


Carlisle Cullen opens the door to find a strange young woman stood before him, an aura of power and age.

"Can I help you?" he asks, she turns and smirks at him, brightening up her face, he stares into her eyes and swears he sees lightening crackle in them.

"Actually, I am here to help you" she states.

"Excuse me?" he asks.

"I was sent to help you, Carlisle Cullen"

"By who?"

"By the Fal'Cie" Carlisle's eyes widen, he knows the legends, the stories, the myths, there is no way they are real, and that would make this girl....

"You are an L'Cie" he points out.

"I am Lightning" she holds out her hand.

"Lightning...." she smiles, he takes her hand. "And you already know who I am"

"They told me to help you and your family"

"And you know....what we are"


"And it doesn't bother you?" she cocks her head.

"No" he smiles.

"Then welcome....." he steps aside, she smiles and steps into the house, her cloak billowing behind her as she does. She places her hand on her sword and glances to Carlisle.

"Can I meet the child?"

"Of course...but the sword..."

"Oh....of course" she unties her sword belt and sets it against the wall.


Garrett can't help but stare at the girl stood with Carlisle, there is something about her that radiates power but more than that, she radiate beauty, pale flawless complexion, pale pink hair, they are talking quietly, but if he really wanted to intrude and listen, Garrett could, but he'll wait. He leans his chin in his hand and watches the girl instead, the way her hair moves slightly with each move, his eyes move down to her clothing, simple really, sleeveless jacket, turtle neck under it, a shot cargo skirt, and a red pocket belt against her thigh. She's tall, slender, but muscular. She has a sort of human scent about her but nothing.....wanting, he doesn't want to kill her, to bite her, to feed from her. She turns and looks at him, aqua eyes boring into his red, she smirks and looks away and Garrett swears someone just tugged on his nonexistent soul. This girl......this being....whatever she is...there is something about her. Carlisle turns to the room, Garrett, Edward, Bella, Renesmee, Jacob, Eleazar and Esme all look at him.

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