Jared Cameron (Ruby Lucas)

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"Order up!" Ruby Lucas, 20, walks around the counter of her grandmother's diner and grabs the order from the chef's window before turning and walking towards the booth at the back where the order came from, she smiles and sets it down

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"Order up!" Ruby Lucas, 20, walks around the counter of her grandmother's diner and grabs the order from the chef's window before turning and walking towards the booth at the back where the order came from, she smiles and sets it down.

"Hey, Paul" she greet as he looks up at her and smirks, Paul Lahote, had been coming into the diner since Ruby started working at fourteen, it also happened to be the year she hit puberty and filled out. He looks over her outfit and then smirks.

"Hey, Ruby" she sets his burger and fries down followed by his soda. "Did you do something different with your hair?" she leans back and smirks.

"No, not this week" he leans on his elbow. "You holler if you need anything else" she walks away and yeah, Paul checks her out. Those shorts doing very very little to stop the stares of not just him but every other male in the diner. Paul's surprise Granny lets her go around like that. Speaking of said woman.

"Hey, Granny" he greets as she wipes down the table across from him, she turns and smiles at him.

"Paul Lahote....look at you...." she teases pinching his cheek. "Eating alone?"

"Nah, the others should be here soon....I just couldn't wait"

"Patience was never your strongest trait...and more so when it came to food" she winks and walks away, Paul laughs and grabs a handful of fries. Granny is everyone's Granny, he's pretty sure no one even knows her real name, she's just Granny Lucas. He moans around the fries. God these are the best fries he's ever had, Granny's food is always the best. Even better than Emily's, but it's not like he is going to tell anyone. The bell above the door rings as Embry, Quil and Jacob enter, laughing away with one another.

"Hey, Granny" Embry greets the older woman who shakes her head amused.

"Boys" she greets back as they move towards where Paul sits, Embry grabs a handful of Paul's fries, the older wolf growls and slaps at the hand.

"Get your own!" he snaps.

"Ruby! Booth 3" Granny yells watching the boys, Embry and Quill look up at the call of Ruby.

"Oh man, Ruby Lucas" Embry sighs dreamily as she appears from the back. "Please be my imprint" he whispers leaning forward. "Please by my imprint" Paul laughs and shakes his head.

"Hey, guys" she greets pulling out her order book, she looks each of them in the eyes and Embry's shoulders droop as he does not imprint of the girl, Quil smirks and pats his shoulder. "What can I get ya?"

"The double bacon cheeseburger" Jacob answers. "Extra fries...cola" she smiles at Jacob as she writes it down.

"I'll have...." Quil tilts his head to the side as Ruby smirks.

"Granny's special mac 'n' cheese with an iced tea? Like always?" Quil blushes and nods.

"Sounds great, Ruby"

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