Paul Lahote (Mulan)

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Mulan crouches and touches the disturbed ground in front of her

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Mulan crouches and touches the disturbed ground in front of her. It's too neat. Too convenient. She stands and kicks a rock away from herself. It's staged. She looks around and closes her eyes, she listens to the birds in the distance and then...there. She snaps her heads around and starts running. She is faster than a human, she needs to be, she has to be faster to catch her prey. A flash of red ahead catches her attention, she smirks and runs faster. Her prey today, Victoria, a redheaded vampire she's been hunting for near on thirty years but the woman is squirelly. Mulan skids changing her direction falling into line behind the redhead ahead of her, Victoria looks back at Mulan and smirks, they've been here before, the two of them, it's a game of cat and mouse that the vampire loves and the hunter hates. Mulan pulls her necklace off and shakes it out till it becomes a chain and hook weapon, she wraps it around her hand before throwing it out, the hook wrapping around Victoria's neck, Mulan still holding onto the other end, jerks the chain, hard, Victoria flies backwards and hits the dirt, Mulan shoves her boot into the woman's chest holding her down, Mulan smirks.

"I've been waiting a very long time for this" she reaches for her sword only for something, huge, warm and furry to collide with her, sending her flying, Mulan hits the dirt with the beast, they roll till it's weight settles over Mulan. "Get off of me!!! She's getting away!" Mulan snaps kicking the dark silver wolf off of her and standing. Victoria no where to be seen, Mulan growls and grabs her chain and hook from the ground. "Unbelievable" she groans wrapping it around her neck. The wolf stands and growls behind her. "What are you going to do, mutt, kill a human?" she asks not turning around. It growls again. Mulan rolls her eyes. "Yes, I know...I'm human...surprise" she closes her eyes and listens for Victoria, the wolf growls at her again. "Shut up a second...." she growls back tilting her head. "Gone...she's gone" Mulan starts walking back through the woods. "This is unbelievable" she grumbles to herself, she can hear the wolf following behind her cautiously. "I've just been waiting thirty years to kill the bitch and some mangy mutt gets in the way" she grumbles as the wolf snarls. "If you're gonna do something......get on with it so I can go home" she tells it, then finds herself flat on her front on the ground, the wolf stood on her back, she sighs and rolls her eyes, swinging her legs out under it she kicks him from her, the wolf hitting the tree to the right before jumping up, Mulan stands arms folded over her chest looking down at it. "Are you finished?"


Paul Lahote had never wanted to imprint, he wanted to find a girl and fall in love all on his own without someone picking her for him, so when in his wolf form he finds himself staring up into the eyes of the weird stranger he'd just stopped from killing Victoria, which he know really regrets, and finds himself imprinting all those thoughts disappear. He sees everything, his past, present and future, and his future with her...with this woman dressed in red and black leather, that seems to be carrying around a sword at her side. Who the hell is this woman?

[Paul!] he snaps his head around listening to his pack look for him, he glances back to the woman, only she's gone now. Damn it! He growls and sniffs at the ground trying to pick up her scent...only he can't smell anything but the leech. [Paul!] Sam-wolf snaps skidding into the clearing, Jared-wolf behind him. Paul-wolf looks to Sam, his memory of the woman flickering through his head and theirs, showing them that he imprinted. [Who was she?]

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