Chapter Seven

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Yoongi groaned at the sound of his annoying phone ringing loudly beside his ear.

His sweet, precious sleep was ruined again.

With heavy eyes, he fought internally with himself to open them wide, sighing before looking at his phone screen just to make a quick check on who was calling.

Idiotic Klutz

Grunting, he answered the phone call.

"What Namjoon? Do you know what time it is now? It's freaking 6.30 am in the freaking morning,". Yoongi quietly cursed.

"Oh. Still alive? I thought you were dead? MIN FREAKING YOONGI HYUNG! Do you know how worried I was not knowing where you were for the past two days?!"

Yoongi twitched at the loud voice coming out from his phone. He quickly pulled his phone away from his ear, praying that he could still save his eardrum from rupturing.

Exhaling a long and deep sigh, Yoongi calmly answered with a good morning, before continuing his words.

"I was just... having some messy things happen right now. I-"

"You accidentally kissed a fully naked Park Jimin while he was having his full body temporarily paralyzed due to his muscle spasm," Namjoon scoffed. He let out a deep, audible breath expressing his distress. He furrowed his brows while harshly combing his blond hair with his hand.

Yoongi gasped, suddenly feeling speechless and anxious. His mouth closed and opened a few times, trying to find the right words to answer.

"Who... Who told you?" Yoongi whispered just loud enough for Namjoon to faintly hear.

"That bastard called me. I was so shocked at first. I didn't know he was the manager!"

Yoongi noticed how Namjoon's voice tone changed. It was filled with loathe, hatred and vengeance, but deep down he knew that the younger was deeply wounded.

"I guess he saw you, hyung?" Namjoon asked, continuing their conversation.

Yoongi nodded before slowly answering with a short yes.

Namjoon exhaled a loud breath.

"Hyung, can you do me a favor now?" He carefully asked the older, hoping that Yoongi would eventually give in, again.

Namjoon was half blaming himself for what happened. If only he didn't force Yoongi to go for the interview that day,  all of this wouldn't have even happened.

After a long sigh, Yoongi rubbed his puffy face trying to be fully awake.


"Can you please come to the building later this morning, hyung? At 11 am if possible? They will be sending someone from the management to settle the issue. Papa and I promise you that we will do everything to make you feel okay."

Yoongi smiled at how concerned Namjoon and his father were towards him. After agreeing to meet at the building later that morning, after a quick bye, Yoongi ended the call.

Rolling over to his left, Yoongi screamed with wide eyes before accidentally slamming his body to the floor.

His eyes still stared with his mouth wide open at the figure who was now peeking from the top of his king sized bed.

"Morning Yoongi!" Taehyung greeted. He smiled and waved his hand, feeling absolutely unapologetic.

"Great. Now I'm stucked with a ghost who doesn't know what privacy and personal space are." Yoongi grunted, before he slowly stood up from the ground.

He brushed off the 'micro' dusts from his sweatpants, while annoyingly giving a death glare towards the ghost who was gleefully rolling on his bed.

"Don't you know what you can do and what you can't do, Tae?" Yoongi sighed. He shook his head while crossing his arms, disapproving of the ghost's actions.

Taehyung just shrugged. He didn't really care. After all, he's dead. People shouldn't bother about him anyway.

"Tae, if you want us to be friends so that I can help you to cross over... by being Park Jimin's best friend, we have to have some agreements on some things between us. Okay?"

Taehyung rolled his eyes while muttering an almost inaudible okay.

Both sides of Yoongi's lips raised a bit, forming a tiny smile.

"First, you can't do that," Yoongi pointed at Taehyung who was still laying on the bed.

"Do what?" Taehyung asked while furrowing his brow.

"You can't just show up in front of me out of nowhere. Especially on my bed beside me early in the morning!"


"So does it mean I can sleep with you at night so that you won't be surprised when you see me beside you every morning?" Taehyung asked innocently, having thoughts that he actually had a smart idea.

"HELL NO!" Yoongi protested while forming a disgusted look on his face.

"But why?" Taehyung asked, unamused with the respond he got from Yoongi.

"Because I don't want to be paranoid about having a ghost sleep with me, and besides, how can my Honey Bum sleep if I know you are sleeping on the bed too?"

Taehyung frowned his face, trying to understand what the guy was trying to tell him.

"What the hell is Honey Bum? Is it your dog's name? I don't see any dog in your house?"

Yoongi's brows snapped together, irritated at the ghost's words.

"It's who, not what. And he is not my dog. He is a guy. A special one for me."

Taehyung quickly brought himself to sit up straight, while his eyes widely stared at Yoongi who looked disturbingly and irritatingly happy.

The huge grin plastered on Yoongi's pink lips right now really made Taehyung's heart feel uneasy.

He really didn't expect this to happen. Hell, he didn't even have any backup plans if this ever happened.

Stupid Tae. Why didn't you think someone as attractive in and out like Min Yoongi wouldn't have someone special? Damn it!

Trying to act calm, Taehyung thought as his body relaxed from the tense just now. He slowly grinned widely while looking at Yoongi, who was still smiling like a teenager who was madly in love with someone.

"So, who is he?"

Yoongi stared back into Taehyung's dark brown eyes before his own eyes formed crescent shapes out of joy.

"He is my soon to be boyfriend."

-end of chapter 7-

Oh snap.

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