Chapter Forty Two

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Yoongi was lost in his own deep thoughts, thinking carefully about what Taehyung told him three days ago.

Why can Jungkook see him?

He's not lying, right?

Tae wouldn't lie...

He snapped back into reality when he felt his lips were being pecked continuously by no one other than his beloved boyfriend.

"Hey..." Jimin called with his slightly hoarse voice due to his constant moans, whimpers, screams and cries a few hours ago.

Yoongi tilted his head to look at his still sleepy lover. Bopping their noses together, he kissed Jimin's lips, nibbling the still swollen lips a few times before he let go of the already smiling Jimin.

"What's wrong hyung?" Jimin asked, scooting his body closer while hugging his lover tighter than he already did.

He placed his head on Yoongi's chest, smiling when he heard his heart sounds.

A thin line appeared in between Yoongi's eyebrows, accompanied with his twisted lips.

He was internally debating with himself whether or not he should tell Jimin about this.

After all, he really wanted to know what Taehyung was hinting to tell him a few days ago.

But in order for him to know more, the ghost told him to go and meet with Jungkook.

And Taehyung also told him that Jungkook was still at the hospital now because of a car accident.

To be honest, Yoongi wanted to go and visit him the moment he heard the news about the accident.

Because of Yoongi going through such a traumatic experience, it stopped him from doing so.

And besides, he still truthfully needed to tell Jimin about it so that Jimin would not assume things.

After all, their relationship is still new so he should be careful not to make Jimin doubt his love for him.

"Yoonie.. hyung~ Are you okay?" Jimin asked in a slow voice, cupping his face with his hands so that Yoongi would look at his now worried face.

"Jimin.. If I tell you this, you promise me you won't get upset?" Yoongi carefully asked, earning a frowned face in return.

"What do you mean?" Jimin asked with a serious tone to match with his serious face.

He already sat up straight beside Yoongi's still laying body, staring intently at Yoongi.

"I asked you," Jimin asked for the second time, voice deeper than before.

Yoongi gulped.

He never thought Park Jimin could be this intimidating even after they were already boyfriends now.

Jiminie was always cute and adorable for the past days they were together.

He gulped once again, before he met with Jimin's intense gaze.

"D-do you know that... That Jungkook was in a car accident? H-he is still at the hospital..."

Jimin raised an eyebrow, before he let out a sigh.

Rubbing his still puffy face, he groaned out loud.

"I know.. I already visited him with Jin hyung and Hoseok hyung."

Yoongi frowned. He didn't know why, but he didn't like it when Jimin visited Jungkook without him knowing.

Well, at least Jimin should tell Yoongi about it, right?

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