Chapter Fifteen

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"What? No papa. I'm not agreeing to this!" Namjoon retorted, stressed with the latest news his father just told him on the phone.

He rubbed his face, starting to feel strain on his neck. His head started to shoot pains. Really, that's how stressed he was right now.

How dare those bastards ask for such requests for the deal after what had happened.

Namjoon was contemplating whether he should tell his father what really happened or not,  but decided to push it away because first, his hyung hadn't told  him to take any actions yet and second, Jin kept on begging him to settle the problems in a good way.

But what if this was not a good decision at all?

What if the most right thing to do now was to tell his father how Park Jimin molested Yoongi, then file a police report, making it as a huge scene and Jimin would end up either being thrown in jail or having his whole career fucked up?

No. No. He couldn't end Jimin's career. Jimin probably was a well known playboy and a fuckboy, but he never heard anything bad about Jimin from anyone in the industry before.

Everyone always praised the smaller guy on what a sweetheart he was; very caring, loving and considerate.

He even is active in volunteering works despite having tight schedules both in his career and sex life.

Letting out a disappointing air from his mouth, he told his father that he would discuss about the proposal with Yoongi after the latter felt better, before he ended the phone call.

"I should ask hyung first about what to do, shouldn't I?"

Just as soon as he left the couch, he heard the door bell ring a few times.

Furrowing his eyebrows, he started to walk towards the door and by the time he opened the door, his hand quickly tried to push the door back to shut it.

"No no. Namjoon, please listen to us. We beg you," Jin pleaded. He put in his foot, trying to stop the door from completely closing. His hands pushed the door as hard as he could, trying to force it to open wider.

"We?" Namjoon asked. He raised his eyebrow before his eyes landed on the smaller frame hiding behind Jin's body.

The superstar... He looked like a mess. Not as stylish and hot as he always presented himself before.

He looked simple, yet slightly messy. Not something you expected to see from the always hottie, Park Jimin.

He wore a black hoodie with black jeans, hiding his ragged and exhausted face with a black cap.

Namjoon noticed how the artist appeared skinnier than the last time he saw him, which was a week ago. There were dark circles and bags around his used-to-be sexy, yet adorable eyes and his lips were chapped, no longer as beautiful red as usual.

Is he mourning over someone or something?

"Well, probably he should mourn over his possibilities of being retired early," Namjoon mumbled to himself.

"Namjoon, please..." Jin sighed. He rubbed his face, sighing while taking a glance at Jimin. Jimin was staring at the floor.

"What?" Namjoon hissed.

After he blew out a deep breath, Jin entered the mansion - Namjoon's family's mansion, ignoring the clueless yet slightly pissed Namjoon. He dragged Jimin along with him.

"Jimin, you sit here. Don't move.... Or do something stupid," Jin warned before he pulled  Namjoon by his wrist a few meters away from Jimin.

"Don't touch me!" Namjoon snapped, whispering his angry tone.

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