Chapter Twenty Five

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Park Jimin
Yoongi hyung, why
are you not working
today? You were not
at work yesterday too.
And the day before that.
Read 12:03 pm

Park Jimin
Did I do something
wrong hyung?
Read 1:00 pm

Park Jimin
Yoongi hyung, are you
okay? You are not sick,
Read 1:30 pm

Yoongi grunted. He tossed his phone away before pressing his face back into his fluffy pillow.

Jimin had texted him numerous times and he got 207 missed calls from the singer since two days ago.

Yoongi felt suffocated. He felt like he was drowning into a deep, wide ocean but he had no one to help him. He felt like he was floating in the dark space without any oxygen to breath.

Yes. That's what Yoongi felt like right now.

Why can't Park Jimin just give up and let him go? Why can't Park Jimin just stay away from him and just fuck around with people like he always did?

Pulling his hair just to lessen the stress he suffered now, the guy screamed out loud, muffling the sound with his pillow.

"You see, you are the one who makes things complicated like this," Taehyung's voice echoed inside the bed sheet.

"Fuck you, bastard!!!!" Yoongi screamed. He jumped in surprise when he saw Taehyung was under his bed sheet, hovering over his legs.

"Well, if you want to fuck me, you have to be the bottom. Oh wait, on second thought, I'm fine with being a bottom too. But too bad I'm dead. You ain't getting this masterpiece," Taehyung shrugged, pointing his goddamn body with both of his hands, feeling all godly and majestic.

"I don't want to fuck you, Tae," Yoongi sighed, rubbing his face with his hand. He was now fully awake, sitting up straight on his bed.

Well, all thanks to Taehyung for suddenly being a scary ghost.

"You want to fuck Jimin?", Taehyung smirked. He crossed his arms over a big 3D flower on his chest.

Ah. Costume again.

Yoongi let out a long breath. Glancing over Taehyung before rubbing his sleepy and stressful face, he scoffed.

"Are you up for a Halloween party or something? You look ridiculous with your 3D flower theme costume."

"Rude! I'm very handsome. I can wear plastic bags and still look like a sexy devil," the ghost retorted. He brushed the huge 3D sunflower on his chest just to make it look more presentable.

Yoongi barked out a laugh. He then shook his head and laid back down again.

"You didn't answer my question."

"What question?" Yoongi lazily asked. He closed his eyes to try to sleep again.

"Do you want to fuck Jimin?"

Yoongi's eyes snapped opened. He looked at the ghost who was now a stone face.

How on earth can the ghost ask him that kind of question calmly?

"No," he answered driedly.


"I'm not lying!"

"Yes you are!"

"No I'm not!"

"You do!"

"I don't!"

"You do you do you do! Lalalalalaaaa... I can't hear you, you pathetic, pale, white, fat ass, liar!" The ghost shouted, covering his ears with his index fingers.

Yoongi sighed. He narrowed his eyes to look at the ghost who was still covering his ears.

What a childish petty ghost

"Tae, please. I-I don't want to do this to my Honey Bum. I hope you unde-"

He stopped when he heard his phone ring.

He quickly grabbed his phone on the carpeted floor before grunting after he saw the caller's Id.

Park Jimin

He was on the way to put his phone back on the floor when suddenly he saw Taehyung was floating above him. The ghost gave him a deadly stare.

Gulping his own 'morning' saliva, he quickly pressed the green phone icon on his phone screen to answer the call.

"Oh thank goodness hyung, you answered my call! Are you okay hyung? Namjoon hyung told me probably you weren't feeling well. I'm so worried about you," he blabbered, a hint of anxiousness in his voice.

Guiltiness started to arise from the Yoongi's body. He felt really guilty for what he did towards the singer.

To be honest, he really does like Jimin, a lot.

And that's weird and unbelievable because he used to hate the singer so much to the extent that you could call him a Jimin's anti.

And he felt like a jerk to have such feelings towards Jimin when he already has his Honey Bum. Well, they are not officially boyfriends, but they dated for a few months;

a few months before his Honey Bum suddenly went extremely busy.

During that time Jimin came to fill the empty spot in his life.

"You are a bastard", Yoongi silently scolded himself.

"Hyung? Are you okay there?" Jimin asked.

"A-ah! I'm fine. It's just that I haven't felt good for  awhile," Yoongi replied, half lies. Well, he's not fine. His mind and heart and feelings and soul are in a mess.

Can you imagine that he sometimes even accidentally would have thoughts to do bad, dirty things with Jimin when he has never had those thoughts before for his Honey Bum?!!


He blamed Jimin for being so sweet, romantic, cute, soft, attractive, hot, sexy.... Arrghhhhh!!! He can't even put into words what to blame the hot superstar with.

"Hyung, if you don't mind... Can-Can I come over to your house tonight? I want to visit you tho. I'll bring your favorite ice-cream and we can talk and watch a movie together."

"You don't know my hous-"

"I already got your address from Namjoon hyung."


Fuck you Namjoon!

I'll shove a broom stick up your fucking ass!

No! Make it four broom sticksss!!!

You just wait!

Yoongi went silent. He didn't know what to answer.

Should he let the sexy meat come to his house or not?

Glancing at the ghost who was still floating, he mouthed 'what should I say?' at the ghost.

"Say yes! Say yes!" The ghost pleaded.

Furrowing his eyebrows, with his pink lips puckered, he muttered,

"Fine. You can come when you finish with your work."

He then heard Jimin squeal before he sang a song saying he will be there somewhere around 9 pm.

Ending the call, Yoongi glared at Taehyung who was now smiling like a perverted old man.

"It's not what you think it is. Not going to happen."

Or... Will it?

-end of chapter 25-

Just so y'll know, u guys will meet Yoongi's Honey Bum soon. 😎

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