Chapter 1

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"W-Who are you?! How do you know my name?!" Ruby asked, terrified.

The woman chuckled, but did not answer her question. She stood up and walked slowly towards Ruby. Ruby tried to move, but something was keeping her bolted to the chair she was sitting on. The woman stopped in front of her, and spoke once again.
"Your eyes...They're just like the ones from the last woman he sent to me..."
Ruby was confused at the sudden statement, and questioned her immediately"My eyes..? The one he sent?"
The woman let out a laugh at her question. "Oh, you don't have the slightest clue about that, do you? Well then, I won't spoil the surprise! I'll leave that explanation to your dear old Headmaster."
"Professor Ozpin? What does he have to do with any of this?" Ruby asked.

The woman walked back to her chair and sat down again saying "He has everything to do with what's happening in Remnant at the moment. He is a man who keeps many secrets, secrets that, if they spread, can lead to the destruction of this world. What he's keeping from you is minuscule compared to what I know about him."
"I don't understand...Why have you brought me here? Ruby asked.
"I have brought you here to warn you Ruby Rose. A storm is coming, and it will wipe out everything you hold dear." With that, the woman snapped her fingers, and Ruby woke up back at Beacon.
When she opened her eyes, Weiss, Blake, and Yang were all surrounding her, with concerned looks on their faces.
"Ahhhh!! I need to see-! W-What's wrong?" Ruby asked confused.
Yang spoke up first "You...You were passed out on the floor, with this weird black mist coming out of your mouth...Are you alright sis?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm alright..." Ruby said.
"You are NOT alright! You need to
lay down and relax!" Weiss said, concerned.
"What I need...", Ruby said, "Is to see Professor Ozpin!"

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