Chapter 20

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Ruby woke up quickly, as usual. She zoomed right out of her bed, so fast that she took the covers with her. As she landed on the ground, her big red and white sheets slowly floated down like parachutes and completely covered an unsuspecting and sleepy Weiss. Weiss gave out a muffled gasp and struggled under the sheets, flailing her arms around, trying to get free.

Her voice could barely be heard under the fabric when she said "Ruby you dunce! Get me out of these things!"

Ruby turned around and immediately bursted out laughing.

Once she had caught her breath she said "But it's a whole lot better when you're totally covered up like this! I won't be able to hear your bossy demands anymore! Yeah, I could get used to this Weissy haha!"

Weiss stopped and blushed deep red. She continued trying to get out, much to Ruby's amusement, before she got an idea.

She smiled under the bedsheets and said "Oh yeah? Well, how about when it happens to YOU?!"

Weiss pulled the covers off of herself and threw them on top of Ruby, wrapping her up completely in the fabric. As soon as they wrapped around her, Ruby began to try and get them off.

She screamed out "Betrayal! I've been betrayed by my own teammate?! My bestie?!"

Weiss smirked as she put a hand on her hip.

She smugly said "Hmm, you're right Ruby! It really is a lot more peaceful when you're covered up and can't make much noise under there! Now I don't have to listen to your annoying and childish voice anymore! Never take those sheets off!"

Ruby's muffled voice cried out "This is mutiny against your team leader!"

Weiss laughed and said "No, this is keeping you covered up and quiet Ruby!"

Ruby gave a gasp of surprise and said "Weisssss, we're besties! BESTIES!!"

The heiress smiled and walked over to Ruby with her usual elegant grace. Once she got to her wrapped up teammate, she tied a big knot with the fabric at the bottom, trapping her partner in a soft and comfy prison. She giggled into her hand and patted Ruby on the head, causing Ruby to blush as red as her hood under the covers. She gave a muffled growl and continued struggling to get out. Yang and Blake has woken up from all the commotion and were glaring at the two of them. Weiss looked over to them and gasped.

Ruby stopped struggling and asked "What?"

Yang suddenly smiled widely and said "Awww, it's nice to see my little sis and the ice queen getting along so well! You two are so cute together!"

Weiss blushed and stuttered out "S-Shush your mouth Yang! Or I'll shush it for you!"

Yang grinned even wider at Weiss' embarrassment.

After a bit more teasing, Blake cleared her throat and said "Well, this has been fun, but need I remind you 'Team Leader' that the tournament is coming up really soon? "

Ruby had finally gotten free from the sheets with some help from Weiss untying the knot.

She apologized and said "Oh, uh, right! Sorry about that! Hurry up girls, we head to the sparring room as soon as we change!"

As Weiss walked past Ruby, she said "Sorry Ruby, it was all in good fun. I don't think your voice is annoying...too much. We are B...F...Fs, we tease each other, we play with each other, we have fun!"

Ruby smiled, patted her on the shoulder, and said "It's okay Weiss! I know it was all for fun! I'd never get mad at my BFF~! I'm glad you've accepted me as your bestie as well! Come on, let's go and get ready for training!"

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