Chapter 14

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After getting back onto the main Beacon campus without any trouble, RWBY got back into their dorm rooms and changed into their pajamas, because it was getting late. The four briefly discussed about how Qrow would contact them, and Ruby quickly pulled out her Scroll to inform her uncle to meet them at the courtyard after classes and fill them in on what he found. All of them quickly got into bed, excited to learn what Qrow would discover.
Roman walked through the ruined streets of Mountain Glenn, accompanied by his faithful assistant Neo, and a group of White Fang members. He looked to the sky, seeing a black crow soar across the sky and land on a dead tree branch, cocking it's head curiously. He looked ahead to see a dilapidated subway entrance, and he walked down the broken escalator to the underground levels of the ruined city. The crow flew in after him, making sure to stay out of sight. When Roman entered the ruined subway, he saw that there were large buildings under the surface, much like it would appear above the ground. Along the center of this lower level, there was a metal railroad track running across the length of the city, leading into a tunnel. On this railroad was a long train, full of White Fang members all loading packages, one in each car. The members with Roman walked away from him and got to helping their brethren load the packages.

Roman turned to Neo, who perked up as she made eye contact with him. He said "Take notes Neo, this is how criminal masterminds do things right!"

Neo smiled and nodded, and followed closely behind as Roman went to meet up with the leading White Fang lieutenant, a large, muscular man with a chainsaw that he had attached to his back. He wore a Grimm mask, as all White Fang do, but his was different. It covered his whole face, not just his eyes.

He walked up to Roman, shook hands with him, and spoke in a deep voice "Thank you again for helping us Mr. Torchwick. You have won the favor of Brother Taurus, and he hopes that you can continue to work with us to achieve our ultimate goal."

Roman let go of the handshake, crossed his fingers behind his back, and said "Of course! Anything to...gain equality for the Faunus!"

Neo covered her mouth with her hand and silently giggled as the lieutenant nodded with gratitude and got back to work, helping load the packages onto the train.

Roman rolled his eyes and said to Neo "Animals, they're all dumb animals! Don't worry Neo, in about four days we'll be done with the White Fang, I promise you."

With that, Roman walked off, with Neo following close behind, grinning. The crow quickly flew off and out of the ruined subway, flying up to the clouds and heading back to the kingdom of Vale.
RWBY has just gotten out of History class with Dr. Oobleck, and were  walking down the cluttered corridors to get to the lunch building. They were all extremely bored, as learning about how Vacuo was established as a kingdom was not the most entertaining topic that came to mind. Ruby had actually fallen asleep, much to the dismay of her teacher, and she was assigned extra homework because of this.

She pouted as she walked with her teammates, and spoke as soon as Oobleck was out of earshot. She said angrily "Ugh! Oobleck is the worst sometimes!"

Yang put her arm around Ruby's shoulder, pulling her in, giving her a noogie. She grabbed Ruby's hood, and pulled it down over her face. As Ruby was struggling to pull her hood off, Yang said "Awww, don't worry about it too much sis! We've got first year shadow missions coming up soon, that'll cheer you up! We can go after the White Fang then!"

Ruby grumbled as she pulled her hood back up, but she smiled as she continued on with her teammates. After a quick lunch, the four went to the courtyard for their break, and were standing by the stone statue. They were all waiting in silence, Ruby and Yang fighting each other on a video game with their Scrolls, Weiss looking over her notes, and Blake resting on the statue. Not too long after they had started, Qrow walked down the courtyard, holding his flask in his hand. The four girls looked up surprised, Qrow wasn't supposed to show up this early. He was moving quickly, like he was in a hurry, and his face was deadly serious.

He stopped in front of the four girls, and he said "Hey kids, I've gotta fill Oz in real quick, then I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."

He continued walking quickly down and into the hallway, and he started running up to the elevator. He pressed the button, stepped in, and rode it up to Ozpin's office.
Ozpin looked down to the floor, lost in thought. Someone calling his name drew him back to the situation at hand. He looked up to see that Ironwood and Glynda were both standing in front of his desk. They were both looking at him to hear his opinion on what they were arguing about, but Ozpin was so lost in thought, he had forgotten what they were discussing.

He sighed and said "Please forgive me, I was...lost in thought. What is the problem?"

Glynda paced around the office, her high heels clicking and clacking. She stopped and said "The General thinks that it's foolish to prioritize taking down a 'small terrorist group' instead of focusing on what 'really matters.'"

Ironwood retorted by saying "It's true! We're here chasing down an, admittedly, small group that has done nothing that has really harmed us!"

Glynda scoffed, and she pointed her riding crop at him, saying "They stole one of YOUR top of the line robots! You call that small?!"

Ozpin looked between the two of them, and he held up his hand saying "Everyone calm down! James, think logically! Roman and the White Fang have never been this well coordinated. It's not too far of a stretch to assume they're being led by a more experienced individual, one who may very well be in contact with Salem."

As soon as Ozpin finished his sentence, there was a familiar chime at the elevator.

Ozpin sighed again, hand on his forehead as he sat down tiredly and said "Enter."

The elevator doors opened, and Qrow quickly ran out. He abruptly stopped when he saw the people in the room, and he gave a mock salute to Ironwood.

Ironwood sighed and said "Qrow...What are you doing here?"

Qrow just smirked and said "I could ask you the exact same thing Jimmy. But to answer YOUR question, I just got back from Mountain Glenn. Oz, they're loading up a train full of these weird boxes in the underground levels, bombs most likely.

Ironwood glared at Ozpin, saying "You sent him to scout? Why weren't we filled in on this?!"

Ozpin stood back up and retorted back calmly "Because we've been arguing James. It's a bit hard to mention that with yelling coming from all sides. Thank you Qrow, you may go." When Qrow turned to leave, Ozpin spoke again "Ah, and one more thing. Would you be interested in being a chaperone Huntsman for the first years?

Qrow turned around and said "Sure, just give me my assignment and I'll do my best."

Qrow then continued on, stepping into the elevator and heading back down to meet RWBY.
The four girls were still at the statue, about to fall asleep. Before Ruby closed her eyes, she saw her uncle walking towards them.

She tapped Blake on the shoulder, who had fallen asleep, and she slowly opened her eyes, groaning and tiredly saying "Mmm...What?"

Ruby pointed over to Qrow, and Blake's eyes lit up. Her face turned from tiredness to excitement in a millisecond.

When Qrow had reached them, he got into it right away. He said "Alright, so I've done some scouting, and I saw that the White Fang are nestled up in Mountain Glenn, an old ruined city on the southeast outskirts of Vale, loading up some stuff onto a train. Roman was there, and he said something about taking off in four days. So, we have four days to do something about this, but you kids have your shadow missions in two. So, when you're choosing your shadow mission, make sure to choose the Mountain Glenn expedition, led by yours truly."

With that, he walked off, heading to an airship, flask in hand. The girls all looked to each other excitedly, and headed to their next class, with Blake looking the most excited and talking the most out of the four girls.

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