Chapter 25

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Weiss woke up in her bed. She looked over and saw that it was early, evident from the moonlight flooding in through the red curtains. Other than the little amount of moonlight, it was pitch black in the room. She sighed and laid there, unable to get back to sleep.

After a little while, a soft voice that came from above her asked "Weisss?"

Weiss answered it, whispering "Yes Ruby?"

Ruby hopped down from her bed as quietly as possible and stood in front of the moonlight so Weiss could see her. Ruby smiled widely, which Weiss returned with her own smile. Even in the dark, Weiss could see Ruby had dark circles under her eyes, implying that Ruby hadn't slept.

Ruby hopped up onto Weiss' bed and snuggled next to her, saying "Happy Late Birthday Weissy!"

Weiss narrowed her eyes and asked "Ruby, did you get any sleep?"

Ruby nervously giggled and said "Wellll, I was really busy last night, and I-I was thinki-mmph..."

Weiss quickly clamped a hand over her partner's mouth, smirking and saying "Tsk tsk! Don't tell me, I think I already know what you were busy doing! You were planning our day together weren't you?"

Ruby stayed silent and hesitantly nodded her head, while Weiss said "I don't want to hear a peep out of you about our plans, understand?"

Ruby nodded again and said "Yff Weiff..."

Weiss removed her hand and said "Now, get back to bed, I want to see energetic and happy Ruby in the morning!"

Ruby yawned and said "I'm too tired to get back into my bed...Can we share yours?"

Weiss blushed deep red, but said "S-Sure Ruby. Just, d-don't hog the sheets!"

Ruby made herself comfortable under the covers, smirked, and said "No promises~! Good night Weiss..."

"Good night Ruby."

Soon, Weiss heard soft snoring next to her, and she too drifted off to sleep.
Weiss woke up to a world of white. She noticed she was now in a chair, and she had a cloth blindfold covering her eyes.

She panicked before someone ruffled her hair and said "Hey, it's okay. You said you didn't want to know anything about our plans, so I made sure you couldn't see!"

Weiss breathed a sigh of relief and said "Oh Ruby! Thank goodness, I thought I was being kidnapped!"

Ruby's voice nervously giggled and said "Well, by the definition of the word, I technically did kidnap you..."

Weiss blushed and said "You dolt!"

Ruby laughed and untied the blindfold, allowing Weiss to see what was in front of her. A large assortment of food laid on a wooden table. Things like eggs, bacon, toast, and pancakes all had Weiss widen her eyes and stomach rumble.

Ruby walked over to sit down next to Weiss and said "I made the eggs and bacon, while Ren made the pancakes! He said JNPR were heading out somewhere and wouldn't be here all day."

Weiss smiled widely and said "Ruby, this is...amazing! Thank you so much! Where are Blake and Yang?"

Ruby said "Oh, they're still sleeping! I thought it'd be good for us to eat first!"

Weiss nodded and said "Well, hopefully they can come out soon!"

About five minutes after the two started eating, Blake and Yang walked out, wishing Weiss a happy birthday and sitting down with them. Weiss smiled and laughed more than any one else at the table, and Ruby smiled to herself, knowing that she made an amazing friend in the heiress.

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