Chapter 29

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Weiss woke up, feeling a pair of hands wrapped tightly over her waist. She turned over to see her partner's adorable face, eyes closed and mouth open slightly, lightly breathing in and out. She smiled before brushing a lock of the scythe wielder's red and black hair out of her face. She could see it was still early, no sunlight came through the window, only pale white moonlight.

She sat up, ruffling the bed's covers, staring out into the darkness and thinking "Today is Ruby's birthday...Today's the day I...I tell her how I feel."

Ruby slowly opened her silver eyes and looked over to Weiss.

She yawned and quietly asked "Weiss? You okay my little snowflake?"

Weiss blushed at the nickname but said "O-Of course I am Ruby...Just thinking."

Ruby sat up and said "Oh? Anything I can do to help?"

Weiss sighed happily and said "No, it's okay Ruby, I appreciate the concern though. Trust me, today's going to be great."

Ruby raised an eyebrow, raising her voice to normal and asking "Oh? And why's tha-mmph..."

Weiss covered Ruby's mouth with her hand, gesturing to her teammates snoring on the other side of the room. Ruby nodded, and Weiss removed her hand. Weiss laid back down, allowing Ruby to wrap her arms around her, and turned around to hug her back.

Weiss smiled and said "Get some rest my little Rose...You'll need it."

Ruby, in a deep sleepy trance, said was "Mm'kay Weissy...Good night..."

Ruby leaned forward and gave a small kiss on Weiss' forehead, and Weiss turned so red anyone could see it in the darkness. Weiss was going to say something, but Ruby had already fallen back asleep, so she shrugged and joined her, replaying the kiss over and over again in her head.
When Ruby woke up the next morning, she didn't feel Weiss next to her. She started panicking and opened her eyes to see a white note taped to her forehead. She ripped it off and looked at the note. Ruby instantly recognized it as Weiss' handwriting, with the fancy swirls and curves that she always wrote in.

The note read "Ruby Rose, if you are reading this note, you slept in you dolt! I want you properly showered and dressed as soon as you read this! Afterwards, head into the kitchen to see a little surprise. Your little Snowflake, Weiss Schnee."

Ruby blushed looking at the note, and she quickly realized she was still in her combat outfit, she never got to change into her pajamas. She rolled out of bed, her puffy black and red skirt all wrinkled up, her cape all over the place. Ruby quickly ran to the dresser, grabbing a more causal looking outfit and hurrying over to the shower, turning the hot water on. After taking a shower as quickly as she could, she put on a black shirt with a red sweater, and black jeans. She considered putting on makeup to impress Weiss, but thought against it as she walked out of the dorm room, closing the door slowly to not alert her other teammates. She trudged into the kitchen, where Weiss was bustling about, quietly singing a tune.

"Mirror, tell me something..."

Ruby froze, hearing Weiss sing. She smiled widely, she had never heard her sing before. She sounded beautiful, her voice whisking her away and getting her lost in the words.

"...tell me who's the loneliest of all..."

Ruby stood there in bliss, enjoying every syllable. She enjoyed it so much, she didn't notice her partner calling her name.


Ruby shook, smiling sheepishly and saying "Sorry Weiss, got distracted...You have a beautiful singing voice..."

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