Chapter 15

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After two more days of classes, the time had finally come for the first year students to choose their shadow missions. Ruby woke up with a start, speeding out of her bed and changing out of her pajamas and into her combat outfit in the blink of an eye.

She quickly ran to Weiss' bed, tapping her repeatedly on the shoulder saying "Weiss...Weiss...Wake up!"

Weiss groaned tiredly, grabbed her covers, and pulled them over her head. Her voice was muffled under the sheets as she said "Mm...Go back to bed Ruby...It's too early..."

Ruby sighed, annoyed, but then she grinned evilly. She went to the end of the bed and grabbed the covers, pulling them away from Weiss, saying "WEISSSSSS! COME ON SLEEPYHEAD!!!"

Weiss screamed out when the covers were yanked away from her, and she was blushing so hard her face went beet red. She glared at Ruby as she yelled out "What is wrong with you?! Why do you keep doing that?!"

Ruby just shrugged, grinning. She sat down next to Weiss and threw her arm around her, saying "Because we're BFFs! And as your BFF it's in my job description to tease you Weissy!"

She got up, smirking as she left the grumbling heiress alone to get ready. She went over to the other side of the room and woke Blake and her older sister up. After all of them were up and ready, the four headed to the amphitheater, where a number of students were already gathering.
When they got there, Ruby looked around to see there were students from each of the four academies standing in groups. She followed where her team was going, and waited along with them. Shortly after, Team JNPR walked up and stood behind them as well. After about five minutes, the lights around the room went dark, and Glynda walked onto the stage.

After taking a brief moment to let the talking die down, she said "Professor Ozpin would like to share a few words with all of you."

With that, she walked off the stage, while Ozpin walked onto the stage. He went and stood in front of the microphone, hands resting on his cane.

He cleared his throat and said "Today, we stand united. Mistral, Atlas, Vacuo, Vale, the four kingdoms of Remnant. On this very day, nearly a century ago, the largest war in recorded history came to an end. It was a war of ignorance, greed, and oppression. We fought for countless reasons, one of which being the destruction of all forms of art and self-expression. As you could imagine, that was something many people could not stand for. As a result of this, those opposed to this horrible destruction of art began to name their children after one core aspect of art itself: color. It was to show that, not only will they refuse this oppression, but neither will the generations after it. To this day, we still uphold this tradition. We encourage individuality, and unity through diversity. Today, while the rest of the world celebrates this peace, Huntsman and Huntresses will work to keep it. As first years, you will be tasked with shadowing a professional Huntsman or Huntress on a mission. Some of you may be gone for several days, others will be back before the day is up. No matter which path you choose, remember to be safe, remember your training, and do your very best."

After that, he walked off the stage, leaving the students to file over to large holographic screens to choose their missions. RWBY headed over to missions near the southeast, where Mountain Glenn was. When Ruby flipped through the missions, she saw the one that Qrow mentioned to her, and she put her team name in to officially lock her team in.

When she pressed the okay button, large red words appeared on the screen saying "Mission deemed too dangerous for first years, please select another mission."

The four girls looked defeated, and Ruby sadly looked for another open spot. Before she could choose another one however, Ozpin appeared beside them.

He smiled and said "Unfortunately, we've decided it was best to keep first years out of that region due to high levels of Grimm in it. It seems that sector is particularly popular with the Grimm. No matter what I do, I have a sneaking suspicion you four will end up in that region anyway."

Ruby nervously rubbed the back of her head and she said "What makes you say that...?"

Ozpin smiled again as he pulled out a tablet. He said "How about, instead of breaking the rules, we just bend them?"

He pushed a few buttons on the tablet, and the mission that RWBY wanted was allowed for them.

Ruby looked to Ozpin, determination in her eyes as she said "We won't let you down!"

Ozpin nodded and walked away, leaving the four girls to head out to the courtyard and meet Qrow. He was leaning against the statue when they came over. When he saw them coming, he quickly straightened up and walked over to meet them.

As he got closer he said "You guys all ready to head out? I've already got the airship plotted to head over to Mountain Glenn, we just gotta take it there."

After everyone was sure they were ready, the five got onto the airship and set out for the ruined city.
When they were in the air, Qrow told the girls "Alright, here's the plan: The White Fang are nestled up in an underground subway, and we need to be as discreet as possible. We'll have to sneak in, so they don't hurry and start the train without us. We can create a hole a few hundred feet from the train tracks, and we'll go from there. The city will literally be crawling with Grimm, and not the itty bitty Beowolves you're used to fighting. There'll be Goliaths, Creeps, King Taijitus. We'll set up a base of operations when we enter the city.

After a short flight, they landed right on the outside of the wall surrounding the city, where a large gap allowed any human, or Grimm, to freely step through it.

The five walked through the gap, and Qrow pointed to a subway entrance, saying "That's where I saw Roman and that weird ice cream looking girl. They'd have guards stationed at that entrance, so no go on that plan. There's a ruined building over there, so we'll have to use that as a camp right now. Come on."

The girls followed him up to the second floor of the building, where they set down their supplies. Qrow walked up to them and told them to stay in the building while he scouted around the area. As soon as he stepped through the doorway to the exit, the door that was hanging off its hinges suddenly fell right off of them, clattering to the floor. Qrow looked at it for a second, sighed, and continued on, leaving the four alone.

After he left, Blake said excitedly "We're this close to stopping the White Fang! Finally!"

Ruby grinned and said "I'm glad to see you're actually being positive for once Blake! It's an odd sight, but a welcome one!"

Blake blushed a little bit and said "Yeah, well you know...I'm just a little excited!"

Yang said "We all are! We've got this! Years of terror from the White Fang will finally come to an end!"

Blake hesitated a bit, and said "You know, it wasn't always evil..."

The three girls looked to Blake, who continued on "Back when I was in the White Fang, I had a partner, Adam. Whenever I doubted our actions, he would tell me that what we were doing was making the world a better place. But, eventually I saw his idea of a 'perfect future' was a world that had the humans beneath the Faunus, killing them with no remorse. Unfortunately, most of the others in the White Fang saw that was a better option, but I couldn't stand for that, so I decided to help strive for peace in a different way, by becoming a Huntress. I want to atone for all the bad I've caused by helping all the people of Remnant, not just the Faunus."

Her teammates were shocked at this, they've never had Blake open up to them before like that.

After a long silence, Ruby spoke up "Thanks for telling us about that Blake...It means a lot for you to talk to us about this!"

Weiss agreed and said "We'll make things right, that I promise you."

The other two agreed with Weiss, and Blake sighed, relieved. They started to talk more after that, waiting for Qrow to come back.

As soon as he did an hour later, he cut right to the chase. "Alright, so there's a spot that we can use to head down to the caverns, get your stuff, we're heading out."

The four grabbed their stuff, following after Qrow to enter the caverns and foil Roman's plans once and for all.

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