Chapter 27

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As sunlight peeked through the red curtains in Team RWBY's dorm, Ruby slowly opened her eyes. She stretched and yawned, getting up and feeling her red and black hair ruffled up and messy. She lifted the white sheet covering her bed and quietly hopped down, heading towards the bathroom. She slowly glanced back towards Weiss, giggling softly as the sleeping heiress mumbled something in her sleep.

Ruby smiled and thought "She's so beautiful when she's sleeping...Soon, I'll tell her how I feel."

As she was thinking this, Weiss opened her eyes, sitting up and rubbing the sleep out of them. She moaned tiredly as Ruby walked over to her and grabbed her hand, lacing their fingers together. She widened her eyes and blushed, but soon smiled warmly at her partner.

Ruby grinned back and softly said "Good morning sleepyhead~!"

Weiss returned the warm greeting, and looked up to Ruby's hair, which was all over the place. She had to cover her mouth with her hands to muffle her laughter and avoid waking her teammates up.

Ruby huffed in playful annoyance and mimicked Weiss, asking "You dolt! What's so funny?!"

Weiss uncovered her mouth and said in between gasping breaths "You-! Your hairs all over the place! You look so-mmph!"

Ruby covered Weiss' mouth with her hand and smiled playfully, saying "Hush that big mouth of yours! My hair is perfectly fine the way it is thank you very much!"

Weiss giggled into her partner's hand and mumbled something incoherent behind her improvised gag, but it sounded like "Yes ma'am."

Ruby giggled as Weiss blushed dark red. She removed her hand and hopped onto Weiss' bed, sitting down in front of her, smiling warmly and looking into her light blue eyes. Weiss looked into Ruby's silver eyes, returning the smile.

An amused voice behind them said "Awww aren't you two the cutest!"

Yang had gotten up, propping herself up with one arm and looking very amused.

Ruby widened her eyes and blushed beet red, pouting and saying "Yaanngg! Way to kill the mood!"

Yang chuckled and hopped down to the ground, shaking the floor, causing Blake's cat ears under her bow to twitch, and making the Faunus shuffle in her bed.

She groaned and shot up, breathing heavily, hand to her chest.

Yang looked back, raised an eyebrow, and asked "Blake? You okay there?"

Blake's amber eyes were wide with anxiety, and she stumbled out of the bed, almost hitting the ground before Yang caught her.

Blake was muttering things under her breath, like "White Fang...Adam...Bleeding..."

Yang reassured her, saying "Hey, hey! You're here with us Blake! You're with friends!"

Blake breathed heavily and said "Friends...Right..."

Ruby got up and patted her on the shoulder, comforting her and saying "It was just a dream, we're here for you Blake..."

Blake nodded and put on a weak smile, saying "I'm okay now, thank you."

Ruby smiled softly and said "I think there's a fight going on today in the Colosseum! We should go watch!"

The others agreed and got up to change into their combat outfits. Once changed, Weiss picked up her heart necklace with tender care and clasped it around her neck. Ruby squealed with glee again when she saw her wearing the heart, and Weiss blushed, smiling at her partner. They both walked out first, waiting for Yang and Blake to come out after them. As they were waiting, Pyrrha walked past them, not even raising her eyes to acknowledge Ruby and Weiss.

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