Chapter 3

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Ozpin walked to the front of his desk, sat down in his chair, and motioned for Ruby to sit down across from him. Ruby walked slowly across the room, taking in the strange looking office. She looked at the ceiling, where a giant set of bronze and silver gears hung overhead, spinning together in rhythm. Her eyes then caught sight of the window, which led out to a balcony that overlooked all of the school grounds. It was shaped like a clock face, complete with clock hands and numbers. She had reached her chair, so she pulled it out and sat down. As soon as she was seated and took a sip of coffee, Ozpin began their conversation.
"So, how may I help you Miss Rose?"
Ruby answered him saying "Well, I just got back to my dorm room, and was taking a nap after a long day, when I had a dream...or a vision, or something..."
Ozpin raised an eyebrow and had an intrigued look on his face. "A vision? And, what did you see?" He asked, taking a sip of coffee.
"I-I saw a woman, who looked a lot like a Grimm...She had white skin, and red veins all over her arms and face. She said her name was...Salem?" Ruby said.
Ozpin's eyes widened, and he nearly spat out his coffee. He went immediately from calm and collected to    serious and attentive.
"That is quite a serious vision you've seen Ruby...And, what did Salem say?"
"S-She said that I have silver eyes, just like you did when we first met...And that I look so much like 'the last woman he sent to me'..."
Ozpin had now stood up, grabbed his cane, and was pacing around the office. Ruby continued "Then I asked what she meant and she said...that I should ask you about all this...Professor, who is Salem, and what's so special about my eyes? A-And who is this woman?"
Ozpin then stopped and looked at Ruby right in her eyes. "Ruby, your eyes...They're an extraordinary trait. A very rare and special trait...They are the one and only thing that the Creatures Of Grimm fear. Can you imagine that? Monsters that feel absolutely nothing, only the desire to destroy, fear silver eyes."
Ruby was amazed at this. She took a pause, and asked "Why? What's so special about my eyes?"
"They have the power to...completely freeze, blind, or vaporize the Grimm, depending on the size of the Grimm in question."
"Wow that's so cool...And, who is Salem?"
Ozpin started to tremble slightly, and had to lean on his cane for support.
"Salem is...The master of the Grimm. She controls them, directs them. She..." ,Ozpin took a pause, "She only seeks to destroy the people of Remnant. That is her one and only goal, to see everyone...Humans, Faunus, all life, dead. Ruby, you must understand, she is terribly dangerous."
Ruby was about to ask something else, but Ozpin raised his hand.
"Miss Rose, I'm afraid that it's very late, and you should be getting back to sleep for classes tomorrow...We...We'll discuss more about this at another time."
Ruby could tell that Ozpin wanted to be left alone, so she got up and walked to the elevator. Right as the elevator doors opened, Ruby looked back and told Ozpin "Thank you for telling me about this, Professor. Good night."
Ozpin looked to her and said "Of course Miss Rose. Have a good night."
Ruby then entered the elevator, and headed back to her dorm room.

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