Chapter 30

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Ruby slowly fluttered her eyes open only to see the too familiar look of Salem's meeting room. She was once again tied up to a chair, but this time it was chains instead of black rope. She struggled lightly, testing her bonds, and coming to the conclusion that she wasn't budging an inch. She looked straight ahead to find Salem's narrowed blood red eyes fixed on her, a blank expression on her face.

Ruby, trying her best not to hide her fear, said "We stopped Torchwick, we stopped the Grimm breach, and rumors say that Ozpin killed this thing called a Wyvern. You're not doing so well-"

Salem casually snapped her fingers, and a chain tightly wrapped around Ruby's mouth, silencing her. Ruby immediately tried to struggle, mumbling out incoherent protests.

Salem sighed and said "I'm really not in the mood to hear his name ever again, and you can be quite talkative. So, hush."

Ruby growled into her gag, but stayed silent. Salem got up and smoothed down her dress, slowly walking around towards Ruby. Ruby, not being able to do much else, glared at her as she walked closer.

As she got right in front of her, Salem said "You have been a thorn in my side for quite a while now, and it is starting to...annoy me. Though you may not believe it, I am simply trying to show you that your trust in that man in misplaced. I do not want everyone to be so easily deceived as I was once."

Ruby raised an eyebrow, confused.

Salem continued "But, it seems you trust him completely...It appears that I can't change your mind, so I'll make it clear: You will regret siding with him, just not today."

Ruby mumbled out something, and Salem chuckled.

She said "It's time for you to wake up, it seems your special someone is worried about you...How adorable..."

Ruby glared at her again, trying to show with her eyes that she'd protect Weiss no matter what, but could see a silver glow surrounding her vision. She could see Salem widen her eyes, and her face showed an emotion Ruby never thought she'd see from such an evil person:fear.

Salem, her voice shaking, said "Y-You really care for her..."

Before anything else happened, Ruby's vision was only silver, and she closed her eyes.
Ruby groaned, still feeling the pain of being tied up and gagged with chains. She opened her eyes to see it was dark out, and that she was laying down in a bed. She also noticed a pair of worried light blue eyes looking at her. Weiss.

Weiss' voice was full of concern and tears were falling from her face as she said "R-Ruby...? Are you okay? Please be okay..."

Ruby quickly wrapped her girlfriend up in a big hug, reassuring her and saying "Shhh...I'm okay Weiss, I'm okay...Shhh..."

Weiss choked back a sob and hugged her back, saying "Oh thank gods...I was so worried...You were shaking and mumbling...A nightmare?"

Ruby nodded, and Weiss said "We don't need to talk about it if you don't want to...I just want you to be safe and sound..."

Ruby, attempting to lighten the mood, smiled and said "Awww, that's so sweet of you! Nice Weiss strikes again!"

Weiss blushed and huffed, saying "There's the dolt I love!"

Ruby grinned but frowned again. She looked away from Weiss, tears forming in her eyes. Weiss gently grabbed her chin and moved Ruby's head to look back at her. She smiled and pulled her into a kiss, which Ruby gladly returned.

Weiss said "It's still early, try to get some more sleep my little Rose. Remember, I won't let anything happen to you...Ever..."

Ruby tiredly said "Thanks Weiss...I love you..."

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